Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales is calling on his constituents to nominate their favourite kebab house.
Mr Rowlands, who has been known to enjoy the occasional kebab, wants people across his region to vote for the place where they like to buy this popular delicacy.
Voting is now open for the 10th Annual British Kebab House Awards and Mr Rowlands wants to see a kebab house in North Wales take the top spot in Wales.
He said:
I am a big fan of kebabs and I am now encouraging my constituents to vote for their favourite so we can find out which house is the best for kebabs in North Wales.
The kebab trade is estimated at being worth a staggering £2.8 billion to the British economy with over 20,000 kebab houses all over the UK selling more than 1.5 million of them every day.
I want to back North Wales' best Kebab House to take home the Best Kebab House in Wales Award so please vote for your favourite by January 19 by clicking here.
The UK’s first kebab shop, Istanbul Restaurant in Soho, opened during the Second World War and pictures of it feature in the Imperial War Museum. However, it was not until 1966 that the famous doner kebab – cooked on a vertical spit – first appeared with the opening of the Hodja Nasreddin Kebab House by Çetin Bukey and Konjay Hüseyn in North London’s Newington Green.
There are now over 20,000 kebab outlets in the UK selling around 2,500 tonnes of lamb and chicken doner a week. There are also around 200 doner kebab manufacturers in the UK, with a turnover in excess of £750m.
Click here to submit your own entries for the national competition and nominate a kebab house for any of the other award categories.
Helpu Sam Rowlands AS i ddod o hyd i'r tŷ cebab gorau yn y Gogledd
Mae Sam Rowlands AS Gogledd Cymru yn galw ar ei etholwyr i enwebu eu hoff dŷ cebab.
Mae Mr Rowlands, y gwyddom ei fod yn mwynhau cebab o dro i dro, am i bobl ar hyd a lled ei ranbarth bleidleisio dros y man lle maen nhw'n hoffi prynu'r danteithfwyd poblogaidd hwn.
Gallwch bleidleisio nawr ar gyfer 10fed Gwobrau Blynyddol Tŷ Cebab Prydain ac mae Mr Rowlands am weld tŷ cebab yn y Gogledd yn dod i'r brig yng Nghymru.
Rydw i'n ffan mawr o'r gebabs ac rydw i bellach yn annog fy etholwyr i bleidleisio dros eu ffefryn fel bod modd darganfod pa dŷ sydd â'r cebabs gorau yn y Gogledd.
Amcangyfrifir bod y fasnach cebab yn werth £2.8 biliwn i economi Prydain sy'n swm syfrdanol, ac mae 20,000 a mwy o dai cebab ledled y DU yn gwerthu dros 1.5 miliwn ohonyn nhw bob dydd.
Rydw i am gefnogi Tŷ Cebab gorau'r Gogledd i ennill Gwobr y Tŷ Cebab Gorau yng Nghymru felly pleidleisiwch dros eich ffefryn erbyn 19 Ionawr drwy glicio yma.
Agorodd siop gebab gyntaf y DU, yr Istanbul Restaurant yn Soho, yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd ac mae lluniau ohono i’w gweld yn yr Imperial War Museum. Fodd bynnag, rhaid oedd aros tan 1966 ac agoriad y Hodja Nasreddin Kebab House gan Çetin Bukey a Konjay Hüseyn yn Newington Green Gogledd Llundain, cyn i ni weld y cebab doner enwog, sy’n cael ei goginio ar i fyny.
Erbyn hyn mae 20,000 a mwy o siopau cebab yn y DU yn gwerthu tua 2,500 tunnell o gig oen a chyw iâr doner yr wythnos. Mae tua 200 o weithgynhyrchwyr cebab doner yn y DU hefyd, gyda throsiant o £750 miliwn a mwy.
Cliciwch yma i gyflwyno eich ceisiadau ar gyfer y gystadleuaeth genedlaethol ac enwebu tŷ cebab ar gyfer unrhyw un o gategorïau'r gwobrau eraill.