Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales has praised a company for its innovative ideas.
Mr Rowlands was commenting after he recently visited Orthios Eco Parks, based on the former 230-acre aluminium works on the island.
He said:
Orthios took over the site in 2015 and I was really impressed to see what had been done to transform the area into a green industrial park.
It was great to see how they use sustainable solutions to climate change by fully integrating waste processing with renewable energy production in an economically viable, socially responsible and eco-conscious way.
The site is unique in the region, benefitting from excellent road, rail and sea transport links, a multitude of multi-purpose buildings, large areas of hard-standing, its own switching yard and 24-hour security, set within many acres of wildlife habitat and natural scenery.
I was delighted to tour the site and learn more about the innovative work of Orthios which apart from creating jobs, they reduce plastics pollution and limit carbon emissions. Creating the jetty has also helped to boost the economy by attracting cruise ships.
The work they have done at the Holyhead site, is nothing short of amazing and deserves my full support.
Orthios in Holyhead, employs 56 people with another 72 vacancies currently being filled and they plan to have over 120 jobs on site this year by Christmas.
They also now have permissions in place to deliver over 800 jobs and are seeking to scale up the investment and development programme as quickly as possible.
Orthios also supports more than £7m of income per annum that passes through the tourist economy in North Wales via Cruise ship visits which berth at their jetty in Holyhead Port.
Sam Rowlands AS yn cefnogi cynlluniau cwmni ecogyfeillgar ar gyfer dyfodol Ynys Môn
Mae Sam Rowlands AS dros Ogledd Cymru wedi canmol cwmni am ei syniadau arloesol.
Gwnaeth Mr Rowlands ei sylwadau ar ôl ymweld ag Orthios Eco Parks yn ddiweddar, cwmni sydd wedi’i leoli ar gyn waith alwminiwm 230 erw ar yr ynys.
Daeth Orios i’r safle yn 2015 ac ro’n i’n rhyfeddu at y gwaith sydd wedi’i wneud i drawsnewid y safle yn barc diwydiannol gwyrdd.
Roedd hi’n wych gweld sut maen nhw’n defnyddio atebion cynaliadwy i newid yn yr hinsawdd drwy gyfuno prosesu gwastraff gyda chynhyrchu ynni adnewyddu’n llawn mewn ffordd sy’n hyfyw yn economaidd, sy’n gyfrifol yn gymdeithasol ac sy’n ystyriol o’r amgylchedd.
Mae’r safle’n unigryw yn y rhanbarth, ac yn medru elwa ar gysylltiadau trafnidiaeth lôn, rheilffordd a môr rhagorol, llawer o adeiladau amlbwrpas, ardaloedd llawr caled mawr, ei iard drefnu a diogelwch 24 awr ei hun, wedi’i leoli o fewn erwau o gynefin bywyd gwyllt, naturiol.
Ro’n i’n falch o’r cyfle i ymweld â’r safle a dysgu mwy am waith arloesol Orthios, sy’n lleihau llygredd plastigion ac yn cyfyngu ar allyriadau carbon heb sôn am greu swyddi. Mae creu’r lanfa hefyd wedi helpu i hybu’r economi drwy ddenu llongau mordaith.
Mae’r gwaith maen nhw wedi’i wneud yng Nghaergybi yn rhyfeddol ac yn haeddu fy nghefnogaeth lwyr.
Mae Orthios yng Nghaergybi yn cyflogi 56 o bobl gyda 72 o swyddi eraill yn cael eu llenwi ar hyn o bryd. Maen nhw’n bwriadu cael dros 120 o swyddi ar y safle erbyn y Nadolig.
Maen nhw hefyd wedi cael caniatâd i ddarparu dros 800 o swyddi ac maen nhw’n bwriadu cynyddu’r buddsoddiad a’r rhaglen ddatblygu mor gyflym â phosibl.
Mae Orthios hefyd yn cefnogi dros £7 miliwn o incwm y flwyddyn sy’n pasio trwy economi twristiaeth y Gogledd diolch i ymweliadau gan longau mordaith sy’n angori ar eu glanfa ym Mhorthladd Caergybi.