Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales has welcomed a new summer initiative from North Wales Police.
Mr Rowlands, Welsh Conservative member of the Welsh Parliament said:
I was delighted to hear about the opening of a new ‘Cop Shop’ in the centre of Wrexham last weekend.
What a great idea to have a place where local people can drop in for a chat with local police officers and share their concerns.
As a keen supporter of the police I am happy to see a presence like this in a busy town centre and hope that residents will call in and support the venture.
The shop is based on Hope Street, opposite the new Job Centre and will be manned as often as it could from midday to 5pm.
Wrexham town inspector Luke Hughes said the shop would be open as much as possible but would not compromise the ability of staff to attend incidents.
He said:
At present Wrexham Town (City) police station is situated opposite the Army Careers office and on top of the Library. It has been at this location since the old police tower was toppled.
At that time we split the staff in the old station into two moving CID, CUSTODY and a lot of other departments to Llay. What now remain are your local Patrol officers, Neighbourhood officers and me.
What you also now have is a little office / shop on Hope Street, next door to WHSmith and opposite the new Job Centre - this is a temporary arrangement for the summer; however, who knows what will happen if it works out.
Sam Rowlands AS yn cefnogi ‘Cop Siop’ newydd yng nghanol tref Wrecsam
Mae Sam Rowlands, yr AS dros Ogledd Cymru, wedi croesawu menter newydd dros yr haf gan Heddlu Gogledd Cymru.
Meddai Mr Rowlands, Aelod o’r Senedd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig:
Roeddwn i wrth fy modd i glywed bod ‘Cop Siop’ newydd wedi’i hagor yng nghanol Wrecsam y penwythnos diwethaf.
Am syniad gwych er mwyn i bobl leol allu galw heibio am sgwrs gyda heddweision lleol a rhannu eu pryderon.
Fel cefnogwr brwd o’r heddlu, rwy’n falch o weld presenoldeb fel hyn yng nghanol tref brysur ac rwy’n gobeithio y bydd preswylwyr yn galw heibio ac yn cefnogi’r fenter hon.
Mae’r siop wedi’i lleoli ar Stryt yr Hôb, gyferbyn â’r Ganolfan Gwaith newydd a bydd heddweision yno mor aml â phosib rhwng hanner dydd a 5pm.
Dywedodd Luke Hughes, arolygydd tref Wrecsam, y byddai’r siop ar agor cymaint â phosib ond na fyddai’n cyfaddawdu gallu staff i fynychu achosion brys.
Ar hyn o bryd, mae gorsaf heddlu Tref (Dinas) Wrecsam wedi’i lleoli gyferbyn â Swyddfa Gyrfaoedd y Fyddin ac uwchben y Llyfrgell. Mae wedi’i lleoli yma ers dymchwel yr hen dŵr heddlu.
Bryd hynny, rhannwyd y staff yn yr hen orsaf yn ddwy uned symudol, CID a Dalfa, gyda llawer o adrannau eraill yn Llai. Yr hyn sydd ar ôl nawr yw’ch swyddogion patrolio lleol, swyddogion Cymdogaeth a minnau.
Yr hyn sydd gennych chi nawr yw swyddfa fach/siop ar Stryt yr Hôb, drws nesaf i WHSmith a gyferbyn a’r Ganolfan Gwaith newydd - trefniant dros dro dros yr haf yw hwn, ond pwy a ŵyr beth fydd yn digwydd os yw’n llwyddiannus.