Sam Rowlands, Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales, is calling on sports clubs impacted by recent storms in North Wales to apply for financial assistance.
A Storm Damage Fund has been set up by Sports Wales and Mr Rowlands is urging anyone affected by the recent extreme weather to seek funds.
He said:
Heavy rain and strong winds wreaked havoc all across North Wales recently causing lots of damage to many sports clubs and facilities across the area and I am delighted to see a temporary fund set up to help them.
It is very sad to see the damage to these clubs and I just hope that they will take advantage of the financial assistance on offer and apply before applications close next week.
I am delighted to see this initiative which will certainly help sports clubs recover more quickly from the impact of storms, and making sure that facilities can reopen and continue serving their communities as soon as possible.
The Storm Damage Fund, is now open for applications offering grants from a minimum of £300 up to a maximum of £5,000.
The grants can be used to help clean and repair facilities damaged by storms including clubhouses, facilities and fixtures and fittings.
The fund is open to all not-for-profit sports clubs in Wales which have suffered storm damage and applicants are required to provide the following:
- Estimated repair costs
- Insurance details, if applicable
- At least one photograph evidencing the damage
Applications are now open and close at 4pm on Tuesday 17 December 2024 and must be submitted online through the Grants Portal.
For any queries email [email protected]. or, phone the helpline on 0300 3003102, Monday to Friday, between 10:00-12:30 & 1:15-16:00.
Sam Rowlands AS yn cefnogi Cronfa Difrod Storm ar gyfer cyfleusterau chwaraeon yn y Gogledd
Mae Sam Rowlands, Aelod o’r Senedd dros Ogledd Cymru, yn galw ar glybiau chwaraeon sydd wedi eu heffeithio gan stormydd diweddar yn y Gogledd i wneud cais am gymorth ariannol.
Mae Cronfa Difrod Storm wedi ei sefydlu gan Chwaraeon Cymru ac mae Mr Rowlands yn annog unrhyw un sydd wedi ei effeithio gan y tywydd eithafol diweddar i wneud cais am arian.
Mae glaw trwm a gwyntoedd cryfion wedi creu dinistr ledled y Gogledd yn ddiweddar gan achosi llawer o ddifrod i lawer o glybiau a chyfleusterau chwaraeon ledled yr ardal ac rwy'n falch iawn o weld cronfa dros dro wedi'i sefydlu i'w helpu.
Mae'n drist iawn gweld y difrod i'r clybiau hyn ac rwy'n gobeithio y byddant yn manteisio ar y cymorth ariannol sydd ar gael ac yn gwneud cais cyn i'r ceisiadau gau’r wythnos nesaf.
Rwy'n falch iawn o weld y fenter hon a fydd yn sicr yn helpu clybiau chwaraeon i godi ar eu traed eto ar ôl effaith stormydd, a sicrhau y gall cyfleusterau ailagor a pharhau i wasanaethu eu cymunedau cyn gynted â phosibl.
Mae'r Gronfa Difrod Storm bellach ar agor ar gyfer ceisiadau, ac yn cynnig grantiau o isafswm o £300 hyd at uchafswm o £5,000.
Gellir defnyddio'r grantiau i helpu i lanhau ac atgyweirio cyfleusterau a ddifrodwyd gan stormydd gan gynnwys adeiladau clwb, cyfleusterau a gosodiadau a ffitiadau.
Mae'r gronfa ar agor i bob clwb chwaraeon nid-er-elw yng Nghymru sydd wedi dioddef difrod storm ac mae'n ofynnol i ymgeiswyr ddarparu'r canlynol:
- Amcangyfrif o gostau atgyweirio
- Manylion yswiriant os yw'n berthnasol
- O leiaf un ffotograff yn dangos y difrod
Mae ceisiadau bellach ar agor ac yn cau am 4pm ddydd Mawrth 17 Rhagfyr 2024 a rhaid eu cyflwyno ar-lein drwy'r Porth Grantiau.
Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau, anfonwch neges e-bost at [email protected] neu ffoniwch y llinell gymorth ar 0300 3003102, o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener, rhwng 10:00-12:30 a 1:15-16:00.