Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales has welcomed major funding to enable people with sensory loss to access tourism and leisure sites.
He said:
As chair of the Senedd’s Cross-Party on Tourism I welcome the £298,235, which will help this industry to continue its recovery and also develop its sites for everyone.
Tourism in North Wales employs around 40,000 people and contributes around £3.5 billion a year to the local economy and has been hit hard by the Covid pandemic. It was only this time last year when there were real challenges, with almost all businesses from the tourism and hospitality sector having to close for a prolonged period of time and around 80% of staff being furloughed.
More and more people are enjoying staycations in places like North Wales and we need to make sure we can offer access to sites for everyone.
The Centre of Sign-Sight-Sound, based in Colwyn Bay, is a project to support tourism and leisure bodies in North Wales, to make their sites more accessible for people with sensory loss or who have an additional access need.
The funding will allow the organisation to work with the sensory loss community to develop awareness training which can be accessed by staff of businesses, retailers and tourist sectors. The aim of the project is to connect the sensory loss community with the wider community where they live.
The National Lottery Community Fund have awarded to 108 projects in North Wales during 2021. From as little as £900 to Cynllun Cyfeirio Gwynedd Referral Scheme to as much as £485,861 to Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham. National Lottery funding has helped people and communities in your constituency to prosper and thrive during another challenging year.
The National Lottery Community Fund is the largest funder of community activity in Wales and its aim is to enable people and communities to thrive.
Its funding spans from support for grassroots projects right up to long-term five-year funding to tackle big social issues from rural poverty to homelessness.
Sam Rowlands AS wrth ei fodd â'r cymorth ariannol ychwanegol ar gyfer Canolfan Sign Sight Sound ym Mae Colwyn
Mae Sam Rowlands, AS ar gyfer Gogledd Cymru, wedi croesawu cyllid sylweddol i alluogi pobl sydd â nam ar y synhwyrau i gael mynediad at safleoedd twristiaeth a hamdden.
Fel cadeirydd Grŵp Trawsbleidiol y Senedd ar Dwristiaeth, rwy'n croesawu'r cyllid gwerth £298,235 a fydd yn helpu'r diwydiant hwn i barhau â'i waith adfer a datblygu ei safleoedd i bawb.
Mae twristiaeth yn y Gogledd yn cyflogi tua 40,000 o bobl ac yn cyfrannu tua £3.5 biliwn y flwyddyn at yr economi leol. Mae pandemig Covid-19 wedi cael effaith ddifrifol ar y diwydiant. Yr adeg hon y llynedd roedd y diwydiant yn wynebu heriau gwirioneddol, a bu'n rhaid i'r rhan fwyaf o fusnesau yn y sector twristiaeth a lletygarwch gau am gyfnod hir. Cafodd tua 80% o'r staff eu rhoi ar ffyrlo.
Mae mwy a mwy o bobl yn mwynhau gwyliau gartref mewn llefydd fel Gogledd Cymru, ac mae angen i ni sicrhau ein bod yn gallu cynnig mynediad i’r safleoedd hyn i bawb.
Mae Canolfan Sign Sight Sound ym Mae Colwyn yn brosiect sy'n cynorthwyo sefydliadau twristiaeth a hamdden yn y Gogledd i wneud eu safleoedd yn fwy hygyrch i bobl sydd â nam ar y synhwyrau neu sydd ag angen mynediad ychwanegol.
Bydd yr arian yn caniatáu i'r sefydliad weithio gyda'r gymuned nam ar y synhwyrau i ddatblygu hyfforddiant ymwybyddiaeth ar gyfer staff busnesau, manwerthwyr a'r sector twristiaeth. Nod y prosiect yw cysylltu'r gymuned nam ar y synhwyrau â'r gymuned ehangach.
Mae Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol wedi dyfarnu arian i 108 o brosiectau yng Ngogledd Cymru yn ystod 2021. Mae'r cyllid hwn yn amrywio o gyn lleied â £900 ar gyfer Cynllun Cyfeirio Gwynedd i gymaint â £485,861 ar gyfer Cymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Wrecsam. Mae arian y Loteri Genedlaethol wedi helpu pobl a chymunedau yn yr etholaeth i ffynnu a llwyddo yn ystod blwyddyn heriol arall.
Mae Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol yn darparu mwy o gyllid nag unrhyw gorff arall ar gyfer gweithgarwch cymunedol yng Nghymru, a'i nod yw galluogi pobl a chymunedau i ffynnu.
Mae'r cyllid yn amrywio o gymorth ar gyfer prosiectau ar lawr gwlad i gyllid pum mlynedd hirdymor i fynd i'r afael â materion cymdeithasol pwysig fel tlodi gwledig a digartrefedd.