Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales has welcomed news of the success of the newly formed county football team.
He said:
I am absolutely delighted to hear that three boys in the Under 14 squad have been selected to trial for the Welsh National School Boys and one of them has also been chosen to trial for Premier League Club, Manchester Utd.
None of this would have been possible without the programme and it is great to see aspiring young footballers being given the chance to perform on the national stage.
It is something I have wanted to see in the county for a good while and fully supported a local group of football coaches who campaigned for the move. It was long overdue and already it is showing its merit.
I thank Conwy County Borough Councils for listening to calls from the local community. It is important that local authorities work with residents and take on board their views and ideas.
Congratulations must go to Year 9 pupils, Elliott Bullock, Ysgol Eirias, Harrison Shone, Ysgol Aberconwy and Casey Bedford, Ysgol John Bright, who are only three of 40 footballers selected for this opportunity to trial for the national squad.
Good luck to them all and also to Harrison who has been invited to trial for Manchester Utd.
The Conwy Schools Football Programme was formed in November last year with players being drawn from schools all over the borough to play against other counties.
Coach, Harrison York, chairman of Conwy SFA said:
We have been working hard with the scouts for the National Welsh School Boys alongside multiple Elite English academies in regards to the quality of the players and really looking to get the players the opportunities to perform on the higher platforms which they have missed in recent years, due to the absence of this programme.
We will continue to work hard to ensure that there are many more individuals in the future of Conwy SFA who step up to get opportunities on these higher platforms.
Sam Rowlands AS wrth ei fodd gyda llwyddiant Rhaglen Bêl-droed Ysgolion Conwy
Mae'r Aelod o'r Senedd dros ranbarth y Gogledd, Sam Rowlands AS, wedi croesawu newyddion am lwyddiant tîm pêl-droed sirol sydd newydd ei ffurfio.
Mae'n braf clywed bod tri bachgen yn y garfan Dan 14 wedi cael eu dewis i dreialon bechgyn ysgolion Cymru a bod un wedi'i ddewis i dreulio cyfnod prawf gyda Manchester Utd o uwchgynghrair Lloegr.
Ni fyddai hyn yn bosibl heb y rhaglen ac mae'n wych gweld darpar bêl-droedwyr ifanc yn cael y cyfle i berfformio ar y llwyfan cenedlaethol.
Mae'n rhywbeth rwyf wedi bod eisiau ei weld yn y sir ers peth amser, ac roeddwn yn cefnogi criw o hyfforddwyr pêl-droed lleol a fu'n ymgyrchu dros hyn. Roedd hi'n hen bryd iddo ddigwydd, ac mae eisoes yn talu ar ei ganfed.
Diolch i Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy am wrando ar alwadau'r gymuned leol. Mae'n bwysig bod awdurdodau lleol yn gweithio gyda phreswylwyr ac yn ystyried eu barn a'u syniadau.
Rhaid llongyfarch disgyblion Blwyddyn 9, Elliott Bullock, Ysgol Eirias, Harrison Shone, Ysgol Aberconwy a Casey Bedford, Ysgol John Bright - dim ond tri o'r deugain o bêl-droedwyr a ddewiswyd i gael y cyfle hwn i dreialu ar gyfer y garfan genedlaethol.
Pob lwc iddyn nhw i gyd a hefyd i Harrison sydd wedi cael gwahoddiad i dreialu ar gyfer Manchester Utd.
Ffurfiwyd Rhaglen Bêl-droed Ysgolion Conwy ym mis Tachwedd y llynedd gyda chwaraewyr o ysgolion y fwrdeistref yn cyd-chwarae yn erbyn siroedd eraill.
Dywedodd yr hyfforddwr, Harrison York, cadeirydd SFA Conwy:
Rydym wedi bod yn gweithio'n galed gyda'r sgowtiaid ar gyfer Bechgyn Ysgolion Cymru ochr yn ochr â nifer o academïau Elît Lloegr o ran ansawdd y chwaraewyr ac rydym yn awyddus iawn i gael y chwaraewyr i berfformio ar y llwyfannau uwch na chawson nhw gyfle i fod yn rhan ohonynt yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf, oherwydd absenoldeb y rhaglen hon.
Byddwn yn parhau i weithio'n galed i sicrhau bod llawer mwy o unigolion SFA Conwy yn camu ymlaen i serennu ar lwyfannau uwch.