Mr Rowlands, North Wales Member of the Welsh Parliament, recently attended an event at the Senedd to support the charity.
He said:
I was delighted to have the opportunity to meet Guide Dog Owners and their dogs and talk to them about their experiences and the challenges they face every day.
It was also good to find out more about what is being done to help children with visual impairment and the specialist support they can receive from a very early age.
I was given a fascinating insight into how Guide Dogs Cymru is run and the way the team offer life-changing mobility services to all ages. I am happy to support their work in any way I can.
Guide Dogs Cymru believe that no one should be held back by visual impairment and want to make sure that people who are blind or partially sighted can enjoy freedom of movement as everyone else.
They constantly campaign for the rights of people with sight loss to help them access public transport, town centres and other public services.
Sam Rowlands AS yn helpu i ddathlu gwaith Cŵn Tywys Cymru
Yn ddiweddar, mynychodd Mr Rowlands, Aelod o’r Senedd dros Ogledd Cymru, ddigwyddiad yn y Senedd i gefnogi’r elusen.
Roeddwn i’n falch iawn o gael y cyfle i gyfarfod Perchnogion Cŵn Tywys a’u cŵn a siarad gyda nhw am eu profiadau a’r heriau maen nhw’n eu hwynebu bob dydd.
Da oedd cael clywed am fwy sy’n cael ei wneud i helpu plant â nam ar y golwg a’r cymorth arbenigol y gallan nhw ei dderbyn o oedran cynnar iawn.
Cefais olwg ddiddorol iawn ar sut mae Cŵn Tywys Cymru yn cael ei reoli a’r ffordd y gall y tîm gynnig gwasanaethau symudedd newid bywyd i bob oedran. Rwy’n falch o gefnogi eu gwaith pa bynnag ffordd sy’n bosibl.
Mae Cŵn Tywys Cymru yn credu na ddylai unrhyw un gael ei ddal yn ôl gan nam ar y golwg ac rydw i am sicrhau y gall pobl sy’n ddall neu’n rhannol ddall fwynhau rhyddid i fynd a dod fel pawb arall.
Maen nhw’n ymgyrchu yn gyson dros hawliau pobl sy’n colli eu golwg i’w helpu i gael mynediad i drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, canol trefi ac i wasanaethau cyhoeddus eraill.