Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales is urging people to take heed of warning signs at a former industrial site in his region.
Mr Rowlands, Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Local Government, has added his voice to calls by Gwynedd County Council who are urging members of the public not to break into the Glyn Rhonwy site, near Llanberis.
He said:
With hot weather on its way it is a good time to remind everyone about taking unnecessary risks by ignoring warning signs telling them not to break into this former industrial site to swim in the quarry water pools.
There have been reports of people climbing the six foot perimeter fence to break in and Gwynedd council is now warning about the potential dangers of the site.
It is always dangerous to go swimming in quarry pools especially if you do not know what hazards might be in the water and I find it amazing that warning signs are being ignored
The place is obviously closed off for a reason and it is private property. I would urge anyone spotting trespassers trying to get into the site to contact North Wales Police.
Gwynedd County Council is urging people to stay away from Glyn Rhonwy site and not to put themselves in unnecessary danger by breaking in to swim or climb in water filled quarry holes.
Sam Rowlands AS yn tynnu sylw at beryglon safle Glyn Rhonwy ger Llanberis
Mae Sam Rowlands, AS Gogledd Cymru, yn annog pobl i gymryd sylw o arwyddion rhybudd ar hen safle diwydiannol yn ei ranbarth.
Mae Mr Rowlands, Gweinidog Cysgodol y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig dros Lywodraeth Leol, wedi ategu galwadau Cyngor Sir Gwynedd ar i aelodau o'r cyhoedd beidio â thorri i mewn i safle Glyn Rhonwy, ger Llanberis.
Gyda thywydd poeth ar ei ffordd mae'n amser da i atgoffa pawb am beryglon diangen wrth anwybyddu arwyddion rhybudd sy’n dweud wrthyn nhw am beidio â thorri i mewn i'r hen safle diwydiannol hwn i nofio ym mhyllau dŵr y chwarel.
Mae adroddiadau bod pobl wedi dringo'r ffens chwe throedfedd i fynd drwodd ac mae Cyngor Gwynedd bellach yn rhybuddio am beryglon posib y safle.
Mae bob amser yn beryglus mynd i nofio mewn pyllau chwarel yn enwedig os nad ydych chi’n gwybod pa beryglon allai lechu dan yr wyneb, a dwi'n rhyfeddu bob pobl yn dal i anwybyddu'r arwyddion rhybudd.
Mae'r lle ar gau am reswm ac mae'n eiddo preifat. Byddwn yn annog unrhyw un sy'n sylwi ar dresmaswyr sy'n ceisio mynd i mewn i'r safle i gysylltu â Heddlu'r Gogledd.
Mae Cyngor Sir Gwynedd yn annog pobl i gadw draw o safle Glyn Rhonwy a pheidio â rhoi eu hunain mewn perygl diangen drwy dorri i mewn i nofio neu ddringo mewn tyllau chwarel llawn dŵr.