Sam Rowlands, Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales, wants to see more help for businesses in Wales.
As Small Business Saturday, approaches, a celebration of small businesses across the UK on Saturday December 7, the Welsh Conservatives held a debate on small businesses and taxation.
Speaking in the Senedd, Mr Rowlands said:
It's a pleasure to take part in this debate, which celebrates the many small businesses up and down Wales. But, sadly, it's a difficult time for far too many of those small businesses, for the hard-working people who run them, the members of staff and for customers who want thriving high streets.
Let's not forget why it's difficult for those businesses at the moment. We've got a British Labour Government who have hiked up employer national insurance and put pressure on business like never before. And we've got a Welsh Labour Government here imposing the highest business rates in Great Britain, clearly demonstrating that the Labour Party is no friend of business whatsoever.
We agree that the Barnett formula does need looking at to make sure that Wales is getting the right level of funding that it absolutely deserves, but I suppose the nationalists would want to argue that money raised in Wales is enough from Wales to deliver the services that it needs, when it clearly isn’t.
That’s why it’s important to be part of a strong United Kingdom so we can do what we need to do for the people of Wales. We also believe in free enterprise, lifting the burden of excessive regulations, to help entrepreneurs and business owners grow and develop so people can flourish in whatever it is they choose to endeavour in.
Mr Rowland’s urged members to support the motion and to take a commonsense measure to boost business across Wales.
Rebecca Evans, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Planning said they all had a part to play in embedding a culture of entrepreneurship and creating a business environment that supports and encourages businesses to flourish, and it remained a key priority of this Government.
The motion was rejected by 26 votes to 24.
Sam Rowlands AS yn tynnu sylw at yr her sy’n wynebu busnesau bach
Mae Sam Rowlands, yr Aelod o’r Senedd dros y Gogledd, eisiau gweld mwy o gymorth i fusnesau yng Nghymru.
Wrth i Sadwrn y Busnesau Bach agosáu, sef dathliad o fusnesau bach ledled y DU a gynhelir ddydd Sadwrn 7 Rhagfyr, cynhaliodd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig ddadl ar fusnesau bach a threthiant.
Wrth siarad yn y Senedd, dywedodd Mr Rowlands:
Mae'n bleser cymryd rhan yn y ddadl hon, sy'n dathlu'r busnesau bach niferus ledled Cymru. Ond yn anffodus, mae'n adeg anodd i lawer gormod o'r busnesau bach hynny, i'r bobl weithgar sy'n eu rhedeg, i'r aelodau o staff ac i gwsmeriaid sydd eisiau strydoedd mawr ffyniannus.
A gadewch inni beidio ag anghofio pam ei bod hi'n anodd i'r busnesau hynny ar hyn o bryd. Mae gennym Lywodraeth Lafur Brydeinig sydd wedi codi yswiriant gwladol cyflogwyr ac wedi rhoi pwysau gwaeth nag erioed ar fusnesau. Ac mae gennym Lywodraeth Lafur yng Nghymru yma yn gosod yr ardrethi busnes uchaf ym Mhrydain, gan ddangos yn glir nad yw'r Blaid Lafur yn gyfaill i fusnes o gwbl.
Rydyn ni’n cytuno bod angen edrych ar fformiwla Barnett i wneud yn siŵr fod Cymru'n cael y lefel gywir o gyllid y mae'n ei haeddu, ond mae'n debyg y byddai'r cenedlaetholwyr eisiau dadlau bod arian a godir yng Nghymru yn ddigon i ddarparu'r gwasanaethau sydd eu hangen arni, pan fo'n amlwg nad yw'n ddigon.
Dyna pam ei bod yn bwysig inni fod yn rhan o Deyrnas Unedig gref fel y gallwn wneud yr hyn y mae angen inni ei wneud dros bobl Cymru. Ar yr ochr hon i'r Siambr, Lywydd, rydym hefyd yn credu mewn menter rydd, codi baich rheoliadau gormodol, i helpu entrepreneuriaid a pherchnogion busnesau i dyfu a datblygu fel y gall pobl ffynnu gyda beth bynnag y maent yn dewis mentro gydag ef.
Mae Mr Rowland wedi annog aelodau i gefnogi'r cynnig ac i gymryd camau call i hybu busnes ledled Cymru.
Meddai Rebecca Evans, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi, Ynni a Chynllunio fod gan bob un ohonyn nhw ran i'w chwarae wrth ymwreiddio diwylliant o entrepreneuriaeth a chreu amgylchedd busnes sy'n cefnogi ac yn annog busnesau i ffynnu, a bod hyn yn parhau’n flaenoriaeth allweddol i'r Llywodraeth hon.
Cafodd y cynnig ei wrthod o 26 pleidlais i 24.