Sam Rowlands, Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales and Shadow Minister for Local Government has welcomed a recent event to help residents understand more about hedgehog habitats.
He said:
I was delighted to see local people and families being invited to Pengwern community centre, Llangollen, to educate them about how we can protect hedgehogs.
I was surprised to hear that the number of these prickly creatures has reduced over the past 20 years and I welcome any initiative which can help to support these animals.
It is vital we increase awareness of what we need to do to help increase places where our hedgehogs can thrive.
It is sad to hear that many of these animals are found unwell and injured every year and thanks must go to the charity Hedgehog Help Prestatyn, who help nurse them back to health and release them back into the wild.
The Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’s Our Picturesque Landscape Project team put on a hedgehog focused event at Llangollen, as part of Denbighshire County Council’s response to the climate and ecological emergency.
Hedgehog numbers have reduced over the last 20 years and the Hedgehog Preservation Society suggest there are a number of reasons for this.
One of the biggest is nature depletion, the loss of hedgerows and other areas suitable for hedgehogs. As their names suggest, hedgehogs like to live in and around hedgerows and use them to travel between different areas.
Where households have fences around their gardens rather than hedges it reduces the distance the hedgehogs can travel, limiting their food and mating options. Unfortunately, the insects and other invertebrates that hedgehogs eat have also reduced because of hedgerow loss, gardening practises and use of pesticides.
The Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the Our Picturesque Landscape project have previously welcomed rehabilitated hedgehogs to the grounds of Plas Newydd in Llangollen. The hedgehogs are supported with a hedgehog house and food for their first few nights and then begin their new lives exploring the Llangollen area.
Sam Rowlands AS yn tynnu sylw at bwysigrwydd gwarchod draenogod
Mae Sam Rowlands, aelod o’r Senedd dros Ogledd Cymru a Gweinidog yr Wrthblaid dros Lywodraeth Leol wedi croesawu digwyddiad diweddar i helpu trigolion ddeall mwy am gynefinoedd draenogod.
Roedd hi'n braf gweld pobl leol a theuluoedd yn cael eu gwahodd i ganolfan gymunedol Pengwern, Llangollen, er mwyn dysgu sut gallwn ni ddiogelu draenogod.
Synnais o glywed bod nifer y creaduriaid bach pigog yma wedi lleihau dros yr ugain mlynedd diwethaf, felly dwi'n croesawu unrhyw fenter sy'n gallu helpu i gefnogi'r anifeiliaid hyn.
Mae'n hanfodol ein bod ni'n cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth o'r hyn sydd angen ei wneud i helpu i gynyddu'r llefydd i'r draenogod hyn ffynnu.
Mae'n drist clywed bod llawer o'r anifeiliaid hyn yn cael eu canfod yn sâl ac wedi'u hanafu bob blwyddyn a rhaid diolch i'r elusen Hedgehog Help Prestatyn, sy'n helpu i ofalu amdanynt nes iddynt wella a'u rhyddhau yn ôl i'w cynefin.
Aeth tîm prosiect 'Our Picturesque Landscape' Ardal o Harddwch Naturiol Eithriadol Bryniau Clwyd a Dyffryn Dyfrdwy ati i drefnu digwyddiad am ddraenogod yn Llangollen, fel rhan o ymateb Cyngor Sir Ddinbych i'r argyfwng newid hinsawdd ac ecolegol.
Mae nifer y draenogod wedi gostwng dros yr ugain mlynedd diwethaf ac mae'r Hedgehog Preservation Society yn awgrymu bod sawl rheswm am hyn.
Un o'r rhai mwyaf yw dinistrio byd natur, colli gwrychoedd ac ardaloedd eraill sy'n addas i ddraenogod. Fel mae eu henw Saesneg yn ei awgrymu, mae draenogod yn hoffi byw a bod mewn gwrychoedd neu berthi, a'u defnyddio i fynd o le i le.
Lle mae gan aelwydydd ffensys o gwmpas eu gerddi yn hytrach na gwrychoedd, mae hynny'n gallu lleihau pellter teithio draenogod, a chyfyngu ar eu bwyd a'u hopsiynau cyplu. Yn anffodus, mae'r pryfed a'r infertebratau eraill mae draenogod yn eu bwyta wedi lleihau hefyd oherwydd colli gwrychoedd, arferion garddio a defnyddio plaladdwyr.
Mae ardal o Harddwch Naturiol Eithriadol Bryniau Clwyd a Dyffryn Dyfrdwy a phrosiect 'Our Picturesque Landscape' wedi croesawu draenogod sydd wedi cael ail gyfle ar dir Plas Newydd, Llangollen yn y gorffennol. Cynorthwyir y draenogod gyda thŷ draenogod a bwyd am yr ychydig nosweithiau cyntaf, cyn cychwyn eu bywydau newydd yn crwydro ardal Llangollen.