Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales has welcomed news that more money is being made available for improvements to tourism locations in his region.
He said:
I am delighted to see that projects in North Wales are to receive extra funding to enable them to improve their facilities and make them more visitor friendly.
It is great to see two of Flintshire’s popular attractions, Wepre County Park and Greenfield Valley will now have the finance to improve their toilet facilities and play equipment.
Both attract tourists and local residents alike and I welcome any plans which will improve their experience.
We all know how important it is these days to encourage everyone to get out and about and enjoy the countryside and I am pleased to see investment in these two attractions.
The projects in North Wales are being funded by Welsh Government’s Brilliant Basics capital fund aimed at delivering small scale improvements to important tourism locations.
The fund is supporting local authorities and national parks to deliver the improvements which will benefit both communities and visitors, and support projects to help alleviate pressure in areas which are seeing more visitors.
Sam Rowlands AS yn falch o weld prosiectau yn derbyn rhagor o gyllid yn Sir y Fflint
Mae Sam Rowlands, yr AS dros Ogledd Cymru, wedi croesawu’r newyddion bod rhagor o arian ar gael ar gyfer gwelliannau i leoliadau twristiaeth yn ei ranbarth.
Rwy’n falch iawn o weld y bydd prosiectau yn y Gogledd yn derbyn cyllid ychwanegol er mwyn eu galluogi i wella’u cyfleusterau a’u gwneud yn fwy addas i ymwelwyr.
Mae’n wych clywed y bydd dau o atyniadau mwyaf poblogaidd Sir y Fflint, Parc Gwledig Gwepra a Dyffryn Maes Glas, nawr yn derbyn y cyllid i wella eu toiledau a chyfarpar chwarae.
Mae’r naill a’r llall yn denu twristiaid a phobl leol ac rwy’n croesawu unrhyw gynlluniau a fydd yn gwella eu profiad.
Mae pawb yn gwybod pa mor bwysig yw hi bellach i annog pobl i fynd allan i’r awyr agored a mwynhau cefn gwald ac rwy’n falch iawn gweld y buddsoddi yn y ddau atyniad hyn.
Mae’r prosiectau yn y Gogledd yn cael eu cyllido gan gronfa gyfalaf Pethau Pwysig Llywodraeth Cymru sydd â’r nod o sicrhau gwelliannau bach i leoliadau twristiaeth pwysig.
Mae’r gronfa yn cefnogi awdurdodau lleol a pharciau cenedlaethol i sicrhau gwelliannau a fydd o fudd i gymunedau ac ymwelwyr, a chefnogi prosiectau i helpu i liniaru pwysau mewn ardaloedd sy’n gweld rhagor o ymwelwyr.