Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales is backing a campaign to raise awareness of short break services at a children’s hospice in his region.
Mr Rowlands joined fellow members at the Senedd to welcome representatives from the two children’s hospices in Wales, Tŷ Gobaith in the North and Tŷ Hafan in the South.
He said:
Children’s Hospice Week is the ideal time to remind us all of the immense contribution which hospices make to our communities and to remember the valuable and important role they play.
I am well acquainted with, Tŷ Gobaith children’s hospice in the Conwy Valley, and have visited there a number of times and seen at first-hand all the hard work which goes into running such a facility.
I am pleased to promote the short break services which provide a lifeline to the families who desperately need that support and also allow young people to experience new opportunities.
I am a great supporter of our hospices and will continue to raise the issue for more funding in the Senedd.
Over the past two years, Tŷ Gobaith and Tŷ Hafan have been collaborating to create an all-Wales approach to children’s hospices. Between them they support more than 450 children and their families every year, and together cover all of Wales’ regions, health boards and local authorities.
Their care and support extends to the whole family from their child’s devastating diagnosis of a life limiting or life-threatening condition.
Sam Rowlands AS yn cefnogi Wythnos Hosbis Plant 2022
Mae Sam Rowlands, yr Aelod o'r Senedd dros Ranbarth y Gogledd, yn cefnogi ymgyrch i godi ymwybyddiaeth o wasanaethau seibiant byr mewn hosbis plant lleol.
Ymunodd Mr Rowlands â chyd-aelodau yn y Senedd i groesawu cynrychiolwyr o'r ddau hosbis plant yng Nghymru, Tŷ Gobaith yn y Gogledd a Thŷ Hafan yn y De.
Mae'r Wythnos Hosbis Plant yn gyfle delfrydol i'n hatgoffa ni i gyd o'r cyfraniad aruthrol y mae hosbisau yn ei wneud i'n cymunedau ac i gofio am eu rôl werthfawr a phwysig.
Dwi'n gyfarwydd iawn â hosbis plant Tŷ Gobaith yn Nyffryn Conwy, ac wedi ymweld ag yno sawl gwaith a gweld yr holl waith caled sy'n mynd i redeg cyfleuster o'r fath.
Rwy'n falch o hyrwyddo'r gwasanaethau seibiant byr sy'n rhoi achubiaeth i'r teuluoedd sydd wir angen y cymorth hwnnw, a hefyd yn caniatáu i bobl ifanc brofi cyfleoedd newydd.
Rwy'n gefnogwr mawr o'n hosbisau a byddaf yn parhau i bwyso am fwy o arian yn y Senedd.
Dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf, mae Tŷ Gobaith a Thŷ Hafan wedi bod yn cydweithio i greu dull gweithredu Cymru gyfan ar gyfer hosbisau plant. Rhyngddynt, maen nhw'n cefnogi 450 a mwy o blant a'u teuluoedd bob blwyddyn ac yn cwmpasu holl ranbarthau, byrddau iechyd ac awdurdodau lleol Cymru.
Mae eu gofal a'u cymorth yn ymestyn i'r teulu cyfan, o’r diagnosis torcalonus o gyflwr sy'n cyfyngu ar fywyd eu plentyn neu'n peryglu bywyd.