Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales is urging residents to apply for free support to help them find a job.
He said:
This is a wonderful initiative and offers residents in Denbighshire the opportunity to access free support to help them secure a job.
It is an excellent idea which has been running through DCC’s Working Denbighshire team since 2018, to help tackle poverty through employment.
There is access to all sorts of services including help with writing CV’s to learning interview techniques and it is well worth anyone seeking employment, signing up and attending an event to find out more.
The service aims to support individuals by providing access to a network of services to provide career opportunities and develop resilient communities around the county.
Over 300 Working Denbighshire participants have already secured a job through the scheme and over 100 participants have already completed a placement of their choice.
The support available includes helping with job searches, CV writing, interview skills/ techniques and completing job applications; confidence building, motivational and wellbeing support; support in finding work and volunteering placements as well as training opportunities; training to learn new skills and gain qualifications; funding to help support with courses, transport, clothing or anything else which may be holding you back (subject to approval).
The service has organised free events in libraries across the county to give anyone interested an opportunity to speak with a Working Denbighshire mentor face to face.
The next events take place on Thursday March 3 and Friday March 11. To find an event near you, visit – or to apply for support fill out the Working Denbighshire referral form via
Sam Rowlands AS yn cefnogi menter Cyngor Sir Ddinbych i helpu pobl i chwilio am waith
Mae Sam Rowlands AS ar gyfer Gogledd Cymru yn annog trigolion i wneud cais am gymorth di-dâl i’w helpu i gael swydd.
Mae’r fenter ardderchog hon yn gyfle i drigolion Sir Ddinbych dderbyn cymorth di-dâl i’w helpu i gael swydd.
Mae tîm Sir Ddinbych yn Gweithio Cyngor Sir Ddinbych wedi bod yn cynnal y fenter ragorol hon ers 2018 er mwyn helpu i drechu tlodi trwy gyflogaeth.
Mae’n cynnig mynediad at wasanaethau o bob math gan gynnwys cymorth i ysgrifennu CV a dysgu technegau cyfweliad. Dylai unrhyw un sy’n chwilio am waith gofrestru a mynychu digwyddiad i ddysgu mwy.
Mae’r gwasanaeth yn ceisio cynorthwyo unigolion trwy ddarparu mynediad at rwydwaith o wasanaethau er mwyn darparu cyfleoedd gyrfa a datblygu cymunedau gwydn ledled y sir.
Mae dros 300 o fynychwyr Sir Ddinbych yn Gweithio eisoes wedi sicrhau swydd trwy’r cynllun, ac mae dros 100 wedi cwblhau lleoliad o’u dewis.
Mae’r cymorth sydd ar gael yn cynnwys helpu pobl i chwilio am swydd, ysgrifennu CV, sgiliau / technegau cyfweliad a chwblhau cais am swydd; meithrin hyder, cymorth ysgogol a llesiant; cymorth i ddod o hyd i leoliadau gwaith a gwirfoddoli yn ogystal â chyfleoedd hyfforddi; hyfforddi i ddysgu sgiliau newydd ac ennill cymwysterau; cyllid i gynorthwyo gyda chyrsiau, cludiant, dillad neu unrhyw beth arall a allai fod yn eich rhwystro (yn amodol ar gymeradwyaeth).
Mae’r gwasanaeth wedi trefnu digwyddiadau di-dâl mewn llyfrgelloedd ledled y sir er mwyn rhoi cyfle i unrhyw un â diddordeb siarad â mentor Sir Ddinbych yn Gweithio wyneb yn wyneb.
Cynhelir y digwyddiadau nesaf ddydd Iau 3 Mawrth a dydd Gwener 11 Mawrth. I ddod o hyd i ddigwyddiad yn eich ardal chi, ewch i – neu i wneud cais am gymorth, cwblhewch ffurflen atgyfeirio Sir Ddinbych yn Gweithio trwy