Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales helped to celebrate 100 years since the discovery of insulin.
He joined fellow members of the Senedd at a reception in Cardiff, to mark this important milestone in the history of diabetes treatment.
He said:
I was delighted to show my support on such an important occasion and pleased to have the opportunity to find out more about the work of Diabetes UK Cymru.
It was fascinating to hear about how insulin was discovered and evolved over the last 100 years and the difference it has made to thousands of lives.
We have obviously come a long way since the discovery but diabetes still remains a challenge for our health service and further advances to find the causes is vital.
The key discovery was an important milestone in the history of diabetes treatment and has been followed by a century of further advances in care, with ongoing medical progress important to supporting the estimated 4.9 million people living with diabetes in the UK.
Over the last century there has been new treatments and solutions to help people with diabetes, as well as an improved understanding of the symptoms and causes of diabetes, however, the journey is far from over.
The scale and seriousness of the challenges facing people living with diabetes and its consequences for wider society requires the UK to remain focused on raising the bar through innovation in medicines, medical devices, and care.
Sam Rowlands AS yn cefnogi Mis Ymwybyddiaeth o Ddiabetes
Bu Sam Rowlands, Aelod o'r Senedd dros y Gogledd, yn helpu i ddathlu 100 mlynedd ers darganfod inswlin.
Ymunodd â chyd-aelodau’r Senedd mewn derbyniad yng Nghaerdydd, i nodi'r garreg filltir bwysig hon yn hanes triniaeth diabetes.
Roeddwn wrth fy modd yn dangos fy nghefnogaeth ar achlysur mor bwysig ac yn falch o'r cyfle i ddysgu mwy am waith Diabetes UK Cymru.
Roedd hi'n hynod ddiddorol clywed sut y cafodd inswlin ei ddarganfod a'i esblygu dros y 100 mlynedd diwethaf a'r gwahaniaeth mae wedi'i wneud i filoedd o fywydau.
Rydym wedi cymryd camau breision ers y darganfyddiad hwnnw ond mae diabetes yn dal i fod yn her i'n gwasanaeth iechyd ac mae datblygiadau pellach i ganfod achosion yn hanfodol.
Roedd y darganfyddiad allweddol yn garreg filltir bwysig yn hanes triniaeth diabetes ac fe'i dilynwyd gan ganrif o ddatblygiadau pellach mewn gofal, gyda chynnydd meddygol parhaus yn bwysig i gefnogi'r oddeutu 4.9 miliwn o bobl sy'n byw gyda diabetes yn y DU.
Dros y ganrif ddiwethaf cafwyd triniaethau ac atebion newydd i helpu pobl â diabetes, yn ogystal â dealltwriaeth well o symptomau ac achosion diabetes - ond dyw'r daith ddim drosodd o bell ffordd.
Mae maint a difrifoldeb yr heriau sy'n wynebu pobl sy'n byw gyda diabetes a'i oblygiadau ar gymdeithas ehangach yn golygu bod rhaid i'r DU barhau i ganolbwyntio ar godi safonau trwy arloesi mewn meddyginiaethau, dyfeisiau meddygol a gofal.