Sam Rowlands, Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales, is calling on his constituents to have their say on budget plans for Flintshire.
Mr Rowlands is encouraging people in Flintshire to take part in the council’s consultation on the budget for 2025/26.
He said:
Like most people I am saddened to hear that councils in North Wales are all struggling to try and balance their books because of the lack of funding from the Welsh Labour Government.
Local authorities find themselves having to make really difficult decisions and it is vital that local people take part in the consultation and share their views on where money can be saved.
I find it particularly frustrating to hear about the financial state of our councils because of underfunding while the Welsh Government still continue to spend money on vanity projects, like the default 20mph speed limit, propping up Cardiff airport and worst of all increasing the number of Senedd Members at a cost of £120 million.
68% of the funding Flintshire receives comes from Welsh Government and per head of population the council is ranked 20 out of 22 councils in Wales for the money it receives to deliver services.
If residents would like to take part in this consultation, a short on-line questionnaire is now available until November 25 2024 at
Residents who are unable to complete the survey online can visit any of the Council’s Connects Centres where support will be available. Opening times can be found on the Council’s website.
Sam Rowlands AS yn annog trigolion i rannu eu barn ar wariant cynghorau
Mae Sam Rowlands, yr Aelod o’r Senedd dros y Gogledd, yn galw ar ei etholwyr i ddweud eu dweud ar gynlluniau cyllideb Sir y Fflint.
Mae Mr Rowlands yn annog pobl yn Sir y Fflint i gymryd rhan yn ymgynghoriad y cyngor ar y gyllideb ar gyfer 2025/26.
Fel y rhan fwyaf o bobl, trist yw clywed bod cynghorau yn y Gogledd i gyd yn cael trafferth ceisio mantoli eu cyfrifon yn sgil diffyg cyllid gan Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru.
Mae awdurdodau lleol yn gorfod gwneud penderfyniadau anodd iawn ac mae'n hanfodol bod pobl leol yn cymryd rhan yn yr ymgynghoriad ac yn rhannu eu barn ar ble y gellir arbed arian.
Rwy'n ei chael hi'n arbennig o rwystredig clywed am sefyllfa ariannol ein cynghorau yn sgil tanariannu, tra bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn dal i wario arian ar brosiectau ffôl, fel y terfyn cyflymder cyffredinol o 20mya, taflu arian at faes awyr Caerdydd ac yn waeth na dim cynyddu nifer yr Aelodau o'r Senedd ar gost o £120 miliwn.
Daw 68% o'r cyllid y mae Sir y Fflint yn ei dderbyn gan Lywodraeth Cymru a fesul pen o’r boblogaeth mae'r cyngor yn safle 20 o’r 22 cyngor yng Nghymru o safbwynt yr arian y mae'n ei dderbyn i ddarparu gwasanaethau.
Os hoffai preswylwyr gymryd rhan yn yr ymgynghoriad hwn, mae holiadur byr ar-lein bellach ar gael tan 25 Tachwedd 2024 yn
Gall preswylwyr na allan nhw gwblhau'r arolwg ar-lein ymweld ag unrhyw un o Ganolfannau Cyswllt y Cyngor lle bydd cymorth ar gael. Gellir dod o hyd i amseroedd agor ar wefan y Cyngor.