Sam Rowlands, Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales, has been seeing firsthand how a power station is run in his region.
Mr Rowlands recently visited Connah’s Quay Power Station and was shown around by Ant Landers, Plant Manager, and given a tour of the site.
He said:
I was delighted to have the opportunity to look around this gas fired power station and meet some of the people who work there.
I often drive past the site and marvel at how impressive it all looks and it was great to be able to see at firsthand what actually goes on there.
It was also good to hear about Uniper’s proposals to develop a new low carbon gas fired power station, with carbon capture technology.
Connah’s Quay Power Station is owned and operated by Uniper, an international energy company, which operates roughly 22.4 GW of generation capacity in Europe, and has, a flexible generation portfolio of seven power stations and a fast-cycle gas storage facility in the UK. This ranks them among the world’s largest power producers with their speciality being to offer flexible generation which is available when needed.
Uniper are planning to build a new low carbon gas fired power station on their Connah’s Quay site, which will utilise carbon capture technology and be integrated into the new HyNet carbon capture network in the area.
Sam Rowlands AS yn ymweld â Gorsaf Ynni Uniper Cei Connah
Mae Sam Rowlands, Aelod Seneddol Cymru dros Ogledd Cymru, wedi gweld ei hun sut mae gorsaf ynni yn cael ei rhedeg yn ei ranbarth.
Aeth Mr Rowlands draw i Orsaf Ynni Cei Connah yn ddiweddar a chael taith o gwmpas y safle gan y Rheolwr Ant Landers.
Roeddwn i'n falch iawn o'r cyfle i edrych o gwmpas yr orsaf ynni nwy hon a chwrdd â rhai o'r bobl sy'n gweithio yno.
Rwy'n gyrru heibio'r safle yn aml iawn ac yn rhyfeddu at ba mor drawiadol mae'r cyfan yn edrych, felly roedd hi'n wych cael cipolwg personol ar yr hyn sy'n digwydd yno.
Hefyd, roedd hi'n braf clywed am gynigion Uniper i ddatblygu gorsaf nwy carbon isel newydd, gyda thechnoleg dal carbon.
Mae Gorsaf Ynni Cei Connah yn eiddo i Uniper, cwmni ynni rhyngwladol sy'n gweithredu tua 22.4 GW o gapasiti cynhyrchu yn Ewrop, ac sydd â phortffolio cynhyrchu hyblyg o saith pwerdy a chyfleuster storio nwy cylch cyflym yn y DU. Mae hyn yn golygu eu bod ymhlith cynhyrchwyr pŵer/ynni mwya'r byd a'u harbenigedd yw cynnig cynhyrchu hyblyg sydd ar gael pan fo angen.
Mae Uniper yn bwriadu adeiladu gorsaf ynni nwy carbon isel newydd ar safle Cei Connah, a fydd yn defnyddio technoleg dal carbon ac yn cael ei integreiddio i rwydwaith dal carbon newydd HyNet yn yr ardal.