Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales is urging eligible parents to apply for funding to help with childcare.
Mr Rowlands, Shadow Minister for Local Government said:
I am pleased to see Flintshire Council promoting the Childcare Offer scheme which now includes helping parents who are in education or training.
The wellbeing of children is paramount and I think it is vitally important that this sort of assistance is available and working parents receive funding for their children’s early education so they can continue to work.
It is good to see the eligibility being expanded to include those who are studying as career development is also very important.
I would urge anyone who may be eligible to get in touch with the council from September 1.
The Childcare Offer provides 30 hours of government funded early education and childcare to the working parents of 3 to 4 year olds across Wales for 48 weeks per year.
This year, the Childcare Offer is being expanded to eligible parents who are enrolled on a Higher Education, undergraduate or postgraduate course that is at least 10 weeks in length. This includes courses delivered via distance learning or enrolled on a course that is at least 10 weeks in length and which is delivered at a Further Education Institution. This includes courses delivered via distance
For further information go to the council's website, email [email protected] or telephone 01352 703930.
If you need help to complete the application for the Childcare Offer for Flintshire, visit one of the council’s Connects Centres where they have self-service computers and advisors who are able to offer digital support and assistance. Please see our website for your local Connects Centre and opening times.
Sam Rowlands AS yn croesawu ymestyn y Cynnig Gofal Plant
Mae Sam Rowlands, Aelod o’r Senedd dros Ogledd Cymru, yn annog rhieni sy’n gymwys i wneud cais am gyllid i helpu gyda gofal plant.
Meddai Mr Rowlands, Gweinidog Llywodraeth Leol yr Wrthblaid dros y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig:
Rwy’n falch o weld Cyngor Sir y Fflint yn hyrwyddo’r cynllun Cynnig Gofal Plant sydd nawr yn cynnwys helpu rhieni sydd mewn addysg neu hyfforddiant.
Mae lles plant yn hollbwysig a chredaf ei bod yn hanfodol bod cymorth fel hyn ar gael a bod rhieni sy’n gweithio yn cael cyllid ar gyfer addysg gynnar eu plant fel eu bod yn gallu parhau i weithio.
Mae’n dda gweld cymhwystra ar gyfer y cynllun yn cael ei ymestyn i gynnwys y rhai sy’n astudio gan fod datblygiad gyrfa hefyd yn bwysig iawn.
Byddwn yn annog unrhyw un a allai fod yn gymwys i gysylltu â’r cyngor o 1 Medi.
Mae’r Cynnig Gofal Plant yn darparu 30 awr o addysg gynnar a gofal plant i rieni sy’n gweithio sydd â phlant 3 i 4 oed ledled Cymru am 48 wythnos y flwyddyn.
Eleni, mae’r Cynnig Gofal Plant yn cael ei ymestyn i rieni cymwys sydd wedi ymrestru ar gwrs gradd neu ôl-radd Addysg Uwch sy’n para o leiaf 10 wythnos. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cyrsiau a ddarperir o bell neu bobl sydd wedi ymrestru ar gwrs sy’n para o leiaf 10 wythnos sy’n cael ei ddarparu gan Sefydliad Addysg Bellach.
Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i'n gwefan, e-bostiwch [email protected] neu ffoniwch 01352 703930.
Os oes angen cymorth arnoch i gwblhau’r cais ar gyfer Cynnig Gofal Plant Sir y Fflint, ewch i un o Ganolfannau Cysylltu’r Cyngor lle mae ganddynt gyfrifiaduron hunanwasanaeth a chynghorwyr wrth law i gynnig cefnogaeth a chymorth digidol. Gweler ein gwefan am eich Canolfan Cysylltu leol a'r amseroedd agor.