A brand-new McDonald’s restaurant has officially opened today, Friday 11th June, in Llandudno, so far creating 25 new jobs for the local community. The new opening comes following significant investment from franchisee Phil Lowndes.
The restaurant, located at a new location within the Mostyn Champneys Retail Park, will operate with Covid-19 safety measures in place whilst offering Drive Thru, dine-in, takeaway and McDelivery services for customers.
Franchisee Phil Lowndes said:
We’re so pleased to be able to open our doors to serve the Llandudno community. A lot of hard work has gone into turning this project into a reality over the last few months and we want to thank everyone involved for their efforts. We’re looking forward to welcoming all of our customers into the restaurant.
The restaurant, which is the first double story Drive Thru McDonald’s restaurant in North Wales, and can seat up to 160 customers, was open to the public on Wednesday 9th June, but was officially opened today by the Mayor of Llandudno, Cllr Harry Saville, Janet Finch Saunders MS and Sam Rowlands MS.
Councillor Harry Saville, Mayor of Llandudno, said:
I was delighted to meet Phil and his team to help to officially open the new McDonald’s restaurant in Llandudno. It was especially good to hear about the new jobs this restaurant has created, supporting our local economy here in North Wales.
Janet Finch Saunders MS said:
I’m very pleased to have been invited along to ‘cut the ribbon’ at the new restaurant today. I wish Phil and his team all the best in this impressive McDonald’s Drive Thru double storey restaurant – the first in North Wales!
Sam Rowlands MS said:
I’m delighted to have visited McDonald’s new Llandudno restaurant, having been following developments on the Mostyn Champneys shopping park over the last couple of years. McDonald’s Llandudno restaurant is part of a local franchise, so this upgrade is very much a North Wales success story. We’ve all seen how drive thru takeaways have become more popular during the pandemic, so the new restaurant has opened at the perfect time.
The new restaurant boasts all the latest innovations from McDonald’s, focused on improving and enhancing the restaurant experience for customers. Self-service kiosks are in place so visitors can order at a speed that suits them, while easily accessing nutritional information and making informed food choices, and digital menu boards are displayed at the Drive-Thru.
The My McDonald’s App is available to use at the restaurant, allowing customers to order and pay for their meal ahead of time via Click and Serve. The app sends a notification to the kitchen as soon as customers are within 100m of the restaurant, meaning all orders are prepared fresh on arrival. The app also allows customers to save their favourite orders and customise items, as well as offering customers the chance to benefit from App offers and collect digital McCafé loyalty points.
During the COVID-19 crisis, a number of safety measures have been put in place at McDonald’s restaurants to help keep crew safe, including Perspex screens, temperature checks at the start of each shift, maintaining a 2-metre distance from others as much as possible, face coverings, regular hand washing and the use of hand sanitiser. As guidance changes, McDonald’s continues to revisit and adapt its approach, with the safety and wellbeing of our people and customers the number one priority.
Sam Rowlands yn agor bwyty McDonalds newydd
Mae bwyty McDonalds newydd sbon wedi agor yn swyddogol heddiw, ddydd Gwener 11 Mehefin, yn Llandudno, sydd wedi creu 25 o swyddi newydd yn y gymuned leol hyd yma. Daw’r agoriad newydd ar ôl buddsoddiad sylweddol fan y deiliad y fasnachfraint, Phil Lowndes.
Bydd y bwyty, sydd wedi’i leoli mewn lleoliad newydd ym Mharc Manwerthu Mostyn Champneys yn gweithredu gyda mesurau diogelwch Covid-19 ar waith tra’n cynnig gwasanaeth Gyrru Trwodd, bwyta i mewn, tecawê a McDelivery i gwsmeriaid.
Meddai deiliad y fasnachfraint, Phil Lowndes:
Rydym mor falch o allu agor ein drysau i wasanaethu cymuned Llandudno. Mae llawer o waith caled wedi’i wneud i wireddu’r prosiect hwn dros y misoedd diwethaf ac rydym am ddiolch i bawb a gyfrannodd am eu hymdrechion. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at groesawu ein holl gwsmeriaid i’r bwyty.
Agorwyd y bwyty, sef y bwyty McDonalds Gyrru Trwodd deulawr cyntaf yn y Gogledd, gyda seddi i hyd at 160 o gwsmeriaid, i’r cyhoedd ddydd Mercher 9 Mehefin, ond cafodd ei agor yn swyddogol gan Faer Llandudno, y Cynghorydd Harry Saville, Janet Finch-Sauders AS a Sam Rowlands AS.
Meddai Harry Saville, Maer Llandudno:
Roeddwn i wrth fy modd yn cael cyfarfod â Phil a’i dîm i agor y bwyty McDonalds newydd yn Llandudno yn swyddogol. Roedd hi’n braf iawn clywed am y swyddi newydd y mae’r bwyty wedi’u creu, gan gefnogi ein cymuned leol yma yn y Gogledd.
Meddai Janet Finch Saunders AS:
Rwy’n falch iawn o fod wedi cael gwahoddiad i dorri’r rhuban yn y bwyty newydd heddiw. Dymuniadau gorau i Phil a’i dîm gyda’r bwyty deulawr Gyrru Drwodd McDonalds trawiadol hwn – y cyntaf yn y Gogledd!
Meddai Sam Rowlands AS:
Pleser oedd cael ymweld â bwyty newydd McDonalds yn Llandudno, ar ôl bod yn dilyn y datblygiadau ym mharc siopa Mostyn Champneys dros y flwyddyn neu ddwy ddiwethaf. Mae bwyty Llandudno McDonalds yn rhan o fasnachfraint leol, felly mae’r gwelliant hwn yn stori o lwyddiant yma yn y Gogledd. Mae pawb wedi gweld sut mae tecawês gyrru drwodd wedi dod yn fwy poblogaidd yn ystod y pandemig, felly mae’r bwyty newydd wedi agor ar yr adeg berffaith.
Mae gan y bwyty newydd yr holl ddatblygiadau diweddaraf gan McDonalds, gyda ffocws ar wella’r profiad bwyty i gwsmeriaid. Mae cabanau hunanwasanaeth ar gael i ymwelwyr allu archebu ar gyflymder sy’n addas iddynt, tra’n cael gafael yn hawdd ar wybodaeth am faeth a gwneud dewisiadau gwybodus am fwyd, ac mae byrddau bwydlenni digidol yn cael eu harddangos yn y gwasanaeth Gyrru Trwodd.
Mae’r Ap My McDonalds ar gael i’w ddefnyddio yn y bwyty, sy’n galluogi cwsmeriaid i archebu a thalu am eu prydau o flaen llaw drwy Click and Serve. Mae’r ap yn anfon hysbysiad i’r gegin cyn gynted ag y bydd cwsmeriaid o fewn 100m i’r bwyty, sy’n golygu bod pob archeb yn cael ei pharatoi yn ffres wrth iddyn nhw gyrraedd. Mae’r ap yn galluogi cwsmeriaid i gadw eu hoff archebion ac addasu eitemau hefyd, yn ogystal â chynnig y cyfle i gwsmeriaid fanteisio ar gynigion yr Ap a chasglu pwyntiau teyrngarwch McCafé.
Yn ystod argyfwng COVID-19, mae nifer o fesurau diogelwch wedi’u rhoi ar waith ym mwytai McDonalds i helpu i gadw’r criw’n ddiogel, gan gynnwys sgriniau Perspex, gwiriadau tymheredd ar ddechrau pob shifft, cadw pellter o ddau fetr oddi wrth eraill cymaint â phosibl, masgiau wyneb, golchi dwylo’n rheolaidd a defnyddio hylif hylendid dwylo. Wrth i’r canllawiau newid, bydd McDonalds yn parhau i ailystyried ac addasu ei weithdrefnau, gyda diogelwch a llesiant ein pobl a’n cwsmeriaid yn brif flaenoriaeth.