The Welsh Government is due to make a statement regarding the sudden closure of the Menai Bridge.
In a joint letter to the First Minister, the Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Transport, Natasha Asghar MS, and Member of Parliament for Ynys Môn, Virginia Crosbie MP, raised concerns regarding the impact that the closure of the Menai Bridge in North Wales.
And North Wales MS, Sam Rowlands submitted an urgent question for answer in the Senedd on Tuesday.
Commenting, Natasha Asghar MS said:
I am deeply shocked at the news that the Menai Bridge could be shut for a period of up to four months without any warning.
Rather than give people the option to plan ahead, motorists are now being forced to change their plans last minute and use the Britannia Bridge which is regularly closed due to high winds.
I’m glad the Deputy Minister for Climate Change will be making a statement tomorrow, but the shocking fact remains Labour ministers tried to take this action with no parliamentary scrutiny before the Welsh Conservatives called them out.
Labour ministers need to stop causing havoc and work with motorists to ensure that Wales has the infrastructure fit for the 21st century.
MP for Ynys Môn, Virginia Crosbie added:
I am shocked and appalled by the sudden decision by Welsh Government to close the Menai Bridge - without notice - for up to four months due to structural weakness caused by heavy traffic.
This is a problem that should have been anticipated. The bridge should never have been allowed to get into a state where this kind of emergency response is necessary.
In June 2021 the Welsh Labour Government – propped up by Plaid Cymru - froze all new road-building projects to conduct a review. Their delays and lack of investment in our infrastructure is having a devastating impact on Anglesey.
46,000 vehicles cross the Menai Straits each day and the Menai Bridge is a critical part of our infrastructure – particularly for the families, workers and our students who commute over the bridge daily.
With the Britannia Bridge often closed to high sided vehicles due to high winds this move will also hit the port of Holyhead and our fragile Island economy.
This is unacceptable. I am doing all I can to bring jobs and investment to Ynys Môn but our island desperately needs the Welsh Government to prioritise good, reliable transport links in order to make these new opportunities viable for our community.
Sam Rowlands MS concluded:
The sudden closure of Menai Bridge is very concerning, and it’s disappointing that the Welsh Labour Government haven’t outlined sufficient rationale behind the reason for this sudden closure.
The healthcare, economy and infrastructure of North Wales has been ignored for too long. These are not luxuries, these are necessities.
The sudden closure of the Menai Bridge will deliver a massive blow to the economy of Anglesey, restricting the number of vehicles and will increase congestion.
That’s why I raised an emergency question regarding this issue and am glad a statement will be made tomorrow.
Y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn mynnu atebion am Bont Menai
Mae disgwyl i Lywodraeth Cymru wneud datganiad ynghylch cau Pont Menai yn sydyn.
Mewn llythyr ar y cyd at y Prif Weinidog, mynegodd Natasha Asghar AS Gweinidog Trafnidiaeth yr Wrthblaid y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, a’r Aelod Seneddol dros Ynys Môn, Virginia Crosbie AS, bryderon ynghylch effaith cau Pont Menai ar Ogledd Cymru.
Cyflwynodd Sam Rowlands, AS Gogledd Cymru, gwestiwn brys i’w ateb yn y Senedd ddydd Mawrth.
Gan roi ei sylwadau, dywedodd Natasha Asghar:
Mae’n syndod mawr clywed y newyddion y gallai Pont Menai fod ar gau am hyd at bedwar mis heb unrhyw rybudd.
Yn hytrach na rhoi’r opsiwn i bobl gynllunio ymlaen llaw, mae modurwyr bellach yn cael eu gorfodi i newid eu cynlluniau funud olaf a defnyddio Pont Britannia sy’n gorfod cau yn rheolaidd oherwydd gwyntoedd cryfion.
Rwy’n falch y bydd y Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd yn gwneud datganiad yfory, ond y ffaith syfrdanol amdani yw bod gweinidogion Llafur wedi ceisio cymryd y camau hyn heb unrhyw graffu seneddol cyn i’r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig eu dwyn i gyfrif.
Mae angen i Weinidogion Llafur roi’r gorau i achosi hafoc i gerbydau drwy sicrhau bod gan Gymru seilwaith sy’n addas ar gyfer yr 21ain ganrif.
Meddai Virginia Crosbie, Aelod Seneddol Ynys Môn:
Mae’r penderfyniad sydyn hwn gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gau Pont Menai - yn ddirybudd - am hyd at bedwar mis yn sgil gwendid strwythurol a achoswyd gan draffig trwm wedi fy nychryn ac mae’n gwbl warthus.
Mae hon yn broblem y dylid bod wedi’i rhagweld. Ni ddylid fyth fod wedi caniatáu i’r bont fynd i’r fath gyflwr a chyrraedd y pwynt lle mae angen ymateb brys.
Ym mis Mehefin 2021 fe wnaeth Llywodraeth Llafur Cymru – gyda chefnogaeth Plaid Cymru – rewi pob prosiect adeiladu ffyrdd newydd i gynnal adolygiad. Mae eu hoedi a’u diffyg buddsoddiad yn ein seilwaith yn cael effaith ddifrifol ar Ynys Môn.
Mae 46,000 o gerbydau yn croesi’r Fenai bob diwrnod ac mae Pont Menai yn rhan hanfodol o’n seilwaith - yn enwedig i’r teuluoedd, y gweithwyr a’r myfyrwyr sy’n cymudo dros y bont bob diwrnod.
Gyda Phont Britannia ar gau yn aml i gerbydau uchel yn sgil gwyntoedd cryfion, bydd hyn hefyd yn ergyd i borthladd Caergybi ac economi fregus ein hynys.
Mae hyn yn annerbyniol. Rwy’n gwneud popeth o fewn fy ngallu i ddod â swyddi a buddsoddiadau i Ynys Môn, ond mae ein hynys wir angen i Lywodraeth Cymru flaenoriaethu cysylltiadau trafnidiaeth da a dibynadwy er mwyn sicrhau bod y cyfleoedd newydd hyn yn hyfyw ar gyfer ein cymuned.
Meddai Sam Rowlands AS:
Mae cau Pont Menai mor sydyn yn achos pryder mawr, ac mae’n siomedig nad yw Llywodraeth Llafur Cymru wedi amlinellu sail resymegol ddigonol wrth wraidd y rheswm am y cau sydyn hwn.
Mae gofal iechyd, economi a seilwaith y Gogledd wedi’u hanwybyddu am yn rhy hir o lawer. Nid teganau yw’r pontydd hyn, maen nhw’n hanfodol.
Bydd cau Pont Menai mor sydyn yn ergyd enfawr i economi Ynys Môn, gan gyfyngu ar nifer y cerbydau ac achosi mwy o dagfeydd.
Dyna pam fy mod i wedi gofyn cwestiwn brys ynghylch y mater hwn ac rwy’n falch y bydd datganiad yn cael ei wneud yfory.