Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales is urging secondary school pupils and parents to attend a construction careers event and learn more about the industry.
Mr Rowlands, Shadow Minister for Local Government said:
I would call on any young students, who are interested in finding out more about a future within the construction industry, to take advantage of this special event. It is an ideal opportunity to look at what is available locally.
I recently called on the Welsh Government to ensure they fulfilled the potential of the construction industry in North Wales after meeting with the Construction Industry Training Board, the CITB, who outlined to me some of the challenges they’re experiencing in terms of a skills shortage within the sector.
in addition to the current skills shortage, by 2025 across Wales the industry will have a further 9,000 jobs that will need filling, and by 2028 a further 12,000 jobs will be needed to support some of the work around climate change and the retrofitting work which will need to take place.
There is a big opportunity here and we have the potential for tens of thousands of new jobs within a really highly skilled sector, which could support our economy.
I welcome any moves to encourage young people to take up a career in construction and applaud events like these which help to raise awareness to future generations.
Parents and secondary school students from years 8,9,10 and 11 are invited to attend the special Heritage Construction Careers event at Coleg Cambria, Bersham Road site on Wednesday November 17 between 4.30pm and 8.30pm.
The event will show young people the different types of careers available in the construction and heritage industry and the various traditional skills needed.
Sam Rowlands AS yn cefnogi digwyddiad gyrfaoedd ym maes adeiladu treftadaeth a gynhelir yn Wrecsam y mis nesaf
Mae Sam Rowlands AS Gogledd Cymru yn annog disgyblion ysgolion uwchradd a rhieni i fynychu digwyddiad gyrfaoedd adeiladu a dysgu mwy am y diwydiant.
Meddai Mr Rowlands, Gweinidog Llywodraeth Leol yr Wrthblaid:
Byddwn yn galw ar unrhyw fyfyrwyr ifanc sydd â diddordeb mewn dysgu mwy am ddyfodol yn y diwydiant adeiladu, i fanteisio ar y digwyddiad arbennig hwn. Mae’n gyfle heb ei ail i weld beth sydd ar gael yn lleol.
Yn ddiweddar, mi wnes i alw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau ei bod yn gwireddu potensial y diwydiant adeiladu yn y Gogledd ar ôl cyfarfod gyda Bwrdd Hyfforddiant y Diwydiant Adeiladu (CITB), a amlinellodd rai o’r heriau maen nhw’n eu hwynebu o ran diffyg sgiliau o fewn y sector.
Yn ogystal â’r diffyg sgiliau presennol, erbyn 2025 ledled Cymru bydd gan y diwydiant 9,000 o swyddi pellach i’w llenwi, ac erbyn 2028 bydd angen 12,000 o swyddi pellach i gefnogi peth o’r gwaith mewn perthynas â newid hinsawdd a gwaith ôl-osod y bydd angen ei wneud.
Mae cyfle mawr yma ac mae gennym y potensial am ddegau ar filoedd o swyddi newydd mewn sector medrus iawn, a allai gefnogi ein heconomi.
Rwy’n croesawu ymdrechion i annog pobl ifanc i ddilyn gyrfa ym maes adeiladu ac yn cymeradwyo digwyddiadau fel y rhain sy’n helpu i godi ymwybyddiaeth ymhlith cenedlaethau’r dyfodol.
Gwahoddir rhieni a disgyblion ysgolion uwchradd o flynyddoedd 8, 9, 10 ac 11 i fynychu’r digwyddiad Gyrfaoedd ym maes Adeiladu Treftadaeth yng Ngholeg Cambria, ar safle Heol Bersham ddydd Mercher 17 Tachwedd rhwng 4.30pm a 8.30pm.
Bydd y digwyddiad yn dangos i bobl ifanc y gwahanol fathau o yrfaoedd sydd ar gael yn y diwydiant adeiladu a threftadaeth a’r sgiliau traddodiadol amrywiol sydd eu hangen.