North Wales MS Sam Rowlands and Clwyd West MS Darren Millar have helped collect vital funds for the Armed Forces community and thanked members of the public for their “extremely generous donations.” They joined Ken Baker of the Royal British Legion on the annual Poppy Appeal stall at Tesco in Abergele.
The annual appeal was hit hard last year due to the pandemic, but is back in full force in 2021 with 40,000 volunteers across the country back out in communities collecting donations.
Sam said:
The Royal British Legion is the nation's leading Armed Forces charity providing care and support to all members of the British Armed Forces past and present and their families. Sadly the charity’s annual fundraiser did not generate the usual high funds last year due to the pandemic. I am therefore pleased that Darren and myself, and others, have been able to get out with our collection buckets this year.
It was heart-warming to see the copious substantial donations and I thank everyone for being so generous for this extremely worthy cause.
Darren, who is Chair of the Welsh Parliament’s Cross Party Group on the Armed Forces and Cadets, said:
It's the 100th anniversary year for the British Legion and it’s great the volunteers are allowed back out there to collect much needed funds for our Armed Forces community.
This money goes to help those who have put their lives on the line for our country and it was fantastic to see so many people giving so generously in Abergele on Friday. I thank everyone who has already made a donation and encourage those who haven’t to pop along to Tesco, or other supermarkets in the area, that are supporting this appeal.
Diolch i siopwyr Abergele am roddion hael i gymuned y Lluoedd Arfog
Mae Sam Rowlands, yr Aelod o'r Senedd dros Ranbarth Gogledd Cymru a Darren Millar, yr Aelod o'r Senedd dros Orllewin Clwyd wedi helpu i gasglu arian hanfodol ar gyfer cymuned y Lluoedd Arfog gan ddiolch i aelodau'r cyhoedd am eu haelioni. Ymunodd y ddau â Ken Baker o'r Lleng Brydeinig Frenhinol ar stondin apêl flynyddol y Pabi yn Tesco yn Abergele.
Cafodd yr apêl flynyddol ei tharo'n galed y llynedd oherwydd y pandemig, ond mae'n ôl gydag arddeliad yn 2021 gyda 40,000 o wirfoddolwyr yn casglu rhoddion ar lawr gwlad.
Meddai Sam:
Y Lleng Brydeinig yw prif elusen y Lluoedd Arfog sy'n darparu gofal a chymorth i holl aelodau Lluoedd Arfog Prydain yn y gorffennol a'r presennol a'u teuluoedd. Yn anffodus, ni wnaeth gwaith codi arian y llynedd lwyddo i godi'r symiau uchel arferol oherwydd y pandemig. Felly, rwy'n falch bod Darren a minnau, ac eraill, wedi gallu mynd allan gyda'n bwcedi casglu eleni.
Roedd hi'n braf gweld y cyfraniadau sylweddol a diolchaf i bawb am fod mor hael tuag at yr achos hynod deilwng hwn.
Dywedodd Darren, sy'n Gadeirydd Grŵp Trawsbleidiol Senedd Cymru ar y Lluoedd Arfog a’r Cadetiaid:
Mae'n 100 mlynedd ers sefydlu'r Lleng Brydeinig ac mae'n wych bod y gwirfoddolwyr yn cael dychwelyd eleni i gasglu arian mawr ei angen ar gyfer cymuned y Lluoedd Arfog.
Mae'r arian hwn yn mynd i helpu'r rhai sydd wedi mentro eu bywydau dros eu gwlad ac roedd hi'n wych gweld cymaint o bobl yn rhoi mor hael yn Abergele ddydd Gwener. Diolch i bawb sydd eisoes wedi cyfrannu, ac i'r rheiny sydd heb wneud, da chi, ewch i Tesco neu archfarchnadoedd eraill yr ardal, sy'n cefnogi'r apêl hon.