Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales is backing measures to help keep people safe in hospitals.
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board has introduced new rules and visitors to hospitals and sites now need to provide proof of a negative lateral flow test.
Mr Rowlands said:
The new measures are in place in response to high Covid rates across the region and I can fully understand why they are needed.
We are still in the grip of the pandemic and with the latest Omricon variant threatening to run rampant across Wales we all need to be extra cautious and vigilant.
The introduction of LFT’s will enable the hospital to continue to allow safe visiting while protecting patients and staff and I would urge my constituents to follow the rules.
It is also vitally important you do not visit hospitals or other medical sites if you are showing any signs of Covid. We all need to work together to keep the virus at bay.
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board has taken the decision that all visitors to hospital sites in North Wales will be required to show proof of a negative lateral flow test before entry.
Lateral flow tests should be completed before arrival at the hospital and within 72 hours of the visit.
All visitors will be required to show evidence of a negative lateral flow test result (SMS, e-mail message or screenshot) and complete a screening questionnaire including a temperature check before entry.
More information on general visiting can be found here. Details on Maternity Visiting Guidance can be found here.
Mae Sam Rowlands, AS ar gyfer Gogledd Cymru, yn cefnogi mesurau i helpu i ddiogelu pobl mewn ysbytai.
Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr wedi cyflwyno rheolau newydd sy'n ei gwneud yn ofynnol i ymwelwyr ag ysbytai a safleoedd brofi eu bod wedi cael prawf llif unffordd negyddol.
Meddai Mr Rowlands:
Mae'r mesurau newydd ar waith mewn ymateb i gyfraddau Covid uchel ledled y rhanbarth, ac rwy'n deall yn iawn pam mae angen y mesurau hyn.
Mae'r pandemig yn parhau i fod mor ddifrifol ag erioed, ac mae angen i bob un ohonom fod yn ofalus ac yn wyliadwrus iawn wrth i'r amrywiolyn Omicron fygwth cymunedau ledled Cymru.
Trwy gyflwyno profion llif unffordd, bydd yr ysbyty yn gallu caniatáu ymweliadau diogel o hyd, yn ogystal â diogelu cleifion a staff, ac rwy'n annog fy etholwyr i ddilyn y rheolau.
Hefyd, mae'n hanfodol bwysig nad ydych yn ymweld ag ysbytai na safleoedd meddygol eraill os oes gennych unrhyw symptomau Covid. Mae angen i bob un ohonom gydweithio i geisio atal y feirws rhag lledaenu.
Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr wedi penderfynu y bydd angen i bob ymwelydd â safleoedd ysbytai yn y Gogledd ddangos tystiolaeth o ganlyniad prawf llif unffordd negyddol cyn mynd i mewn.
Rhaid cael prawf llif unffordd cyn cyrraedd yr ysbyty ac o fewn 72 awr i'r ymweliad.
Bydd yn ofynnol i bob ymwelydd ddangos tystiolaeth o ganlyniad prawf llif unffordd negyddol (SMS, neges e-bost neu sgrin lun) a chwblhau holiadur sgrinio gan gynnwys gwiriad tymheredd cyn mynd i mewn.
Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am ymweliadau cyffredinol ar gael yma. Mae manylion am Ganllawiau ar Ymweld ag Unedau Mamolaeth ar gael yma.