Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales and Janet Finch-Saunders MS for Aberconwy, have welcomed a new pharmacy to the town of Conwy.
Mr Rowlands said:
I am a great supporter of encouraging people to make more use of the services on offer at their local pharmacies. Only last month I raised this issue in the Senedd and called for more support and recognition for the work of pharmacists in Wales.
Pharmacists have carried out vital work throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and had a crucial role in supporting primary and secondary care. While in society many of us were able to work from home, pharmacists, lots of them, were on the front line, continuing to provide that support and care face to face for people who needed it at the time.
I was also delighted to see a 24 hour prescription dispensing machine which means people will be able to collect their medication at any time and this will not to affect other services. Yet again it shows how important local pharmacies are in the community and how they can be used to help the under-pressure NHS.
Mrs Finch-Saunders said:
I was pleased to attend the official opening of the new Rowlands Pharmacy and welcome the services it will bring to the town.
These days the role of the local pharmacy is more important than ever. As our GP’s and hospitals continue to work under extreme pressure it is vital there is another alternative for medical help and advice.
Pharmacies had such an important part to play in administering the Covid -19 vaccine and it is great to see even more services being offered from our local chemists.
Rowlands Pharmacy used to have two chemist stores in Conwy, in the High Street and Castle Street. The two have now merged and moved to a bigger more modern premises on Castle Steet which opened in Conwy, on April 1 with a grand reveal on Monday May 9.
The move enables an increase in services on offer to the community, supporting the new Welsh Pharmacy contract, including a 24 hour prescription dispensing machine which is one of the first in Wales. There are also two consulting rooms which can be used for administering flu jabs, a new ear wax removal service and many more which can discussed with the team in store.
Sam Rowlands AS a Janet Finch-Saunders AS yn mynychu agoriad swyddogol fferyllfa newydd yng Nghonwy
Mae Sam Rowlands, Aelod Rhanbarthol o’r Senedd dros Ogledd Cymru, a Janet Finch-Saunders, AS Aberconwy, wedi croesawu fferyllfa newydd yn nhref Conwy.
Meddai Mr Rowlands:
Rwy’n frwd dros y syniad o annog pobl i wneud mwy o ddefnydd o’r gwasanaethau sydd ar gael yn eu fferyllfeydd lleol. Dim ond y mis diwethaf, fe wnes i grybwyll y mater hwn yn y Senedd a galwais ar ragor o gefnogaeth a chydnabyddiaeth i waith fferyllwyr yng Nghymru.
Mae fferyllwyr wedi gwneud gwaith hanfodol gydol pandemig Covid-19 ac roedd ganddynt rôl hollbwysig wrth gefnogi gofal sylfaenol ac eilaidd. Er bod llawer ohonom wedi gallu gweithio gartref, roedd llawer iawn o fferyllwyr ar y rheng flaen, yn parhau i ddarparu cefnogaeth a gofal wyneb yn wyneb i bobl oedd ei angen ar y pryd.
Roeddwn i’n falch iawn hefyd o weld peiriant dosbarthu presgripsiynau 24 awr sy’n golygu y gall pobl gasglu eu meddyginiaeth ar unrhyw adeg ac ni fydd hyn yn effeithio ar wasanaethau eraill. Unwaith eto, mae’n dangos pa mor bwysig yw fferyllfeydd lleol yn y gymuned a sut y gellir eu defnyddio i helpu’r GIG sydd eisoes dan bwysau.
Meddai Mrs Finch-Saunders:
Roeddwn i’n falch o fynychu agoriad swyddogol Fferyllfa newydd Rowlands a chroesawu’r gwasanaethau a ddaw i’r dref yn ei sgil.
Y dyddiau hyn mae rôl y fferyllfa leol yn bwysicach nag erioed. Wrth i’n meddygon teulu ac ysbytai barhau i weithio dan bwysau eithriadol, mae’n hanfodol bod opsiwn arall ar gyfer cymorth a chyngor meddygol.
Roedd gan fferyllfeydd ran mor bwysig i’w chwarae wrth weinyddu’r brechlyn Covid-19 ac mae’n wych gweld hyd yn oed mwy o wasanaethau yn cael eu cynnig gan ein fferyllfeydd lleol.
Roedd gan Fferyllfa Rowlands ddwy fferyllfa yng Nghonwy o’r blaen, un ar y Stryd Fawr ac un ar Stryd y Castell. Bellach, mae’r ddwy wedi uno ac wedi symud i safle modern a mwy ar Stryd y Castell. Agorwyd fferyllfa newydd Conwy ar 1 Ebrill gyda dathliad mawr ar ddydd Llun 9 Mai.
Mae’r symud yn galluogi cynnydd mewn gwasanaethau sydd ar gael i’r gymuned, gan gefnogi contract Fferylliaeth Cymru newydd. Mae hyn yn cynnwys peiriant dosbarthu presgripsiwn 24 awr - un o’r rhai cyntaf yng Nghymru. Mae dwy ystafell ymgynghori ar gael hefyd a gellir eu defnyddio i weinyddu pigiadau ffliw, gwasanaethau newydd tynnu cwyr o glustiau a llawer mwy o wasanaethau y gellir eu trafod gyda’r tîm ar y safle.