Sam Rowlands, Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales is highlighting the work of an animal rescue centre in his region.
He said:
I was tremendously impressed by the work and commitment shown by the Freshfields Animal Rescue team, when I was shown around the site.
I got to meet Benny the kitten and hear all about the successful appeal to find him a home, however, like many businesses their funding has been affected due to the pandemic and I support their call for more government support.
Their efforts to stop unnecessary animal deaths are to be applauded, and I would encourage anyone who is looking for a new, fluffy companion to get in touch with Freshfields and consider adopting.
Freshfields, which also has a centre in Liverpool, was established almost 50 years ago to look after and rehome unwanted, abandoned, neglected or abused pets and farm animals, as well as sick and injured wildlife. Since 1974 they have cared for almost 97,000 animals, and never put a healthy animal down.
During his visit Sam heard at first-hand about the challenges the centre is currently facing. This year alone they have taken in 113 cats and are on their 53rd litter of kittens as more and more pet owners are beginning to struggle with living costs.
Freshfields told Sam they encourage anyone struggling to look after their pet to get in touch to see if there is the possibility of keeping pet and owner together. They also encourage anyone looking for a new pet to think about adopting first, as there are always animals in need of a caring home.
Sam Rowlands AS yn ymweld â chanolfan achub anifeiliaid Freshfield yn Nebo, ger Caernarfon
Mae Sam Rowlands, aelod o’r Senedd dros Ogledd Cymru, yn tynnu sylw at waith canolfan achub anifeiliaid yn ei ranbarth.
Fe wnaeth gwaith ac ymrwymiad tîm achub anifeiliaid Freshfields wneud cryn argraff pan gefais daith o amgylch y safle.
Cefais gwrdd â Benny'r gath fach a chlywed am yr apêl lwyddiannus i ddod o hyd i gartref iddo, ond fel llawer o fusnesau, mae'r pandemig wedi effeithio ar eu cyllid a dwi'n cefnogi eu galwad am fwy o gymorth gan y llywodraeth.
Rhaid canmol eu hymdrechion i atal marwolaeth anifeiliaid yn ddiangen, a byddwn yn annog unrhyw un sy'n chwilio am gyfaill blewog newydd i gysylltu â Freshfields ac ystyried mabwysiadu.
Cafodd Freshfields, sydd â chanolfan yn Lerpwl hefyd, ei sefydlu bron i hanner can mlynedd yn ôl i ofalu am anifeiliaid anwes a fferm sydd wedi’u gadael yn ddiymgeledd, eu hesgeuluso neu eu cam-drin a dod o hyd i gartrefi iddynt, yn ogystal â bywyd gwyllt sy’n sâl neu wedi’i glwyfo. Ers 1974 maen nhw wedi gofalu am bron i 97,000 o anifeiliaid, a dydyn nhw ddim wedi gorfod rhoi anifail iach i gysgu erioed.
Yn ystod ei ymweliad clywodd Sam am yr heriau sy'n wynebu'r ganolfan ar hyn o bryd. Maen nhw wedi derbyn 113 o gathod yn barod eleni, ac mae 53 torllwyth o gathod bach wedi’u geni yno wrth i gostau byw frathu mwy a mwy o berchnogion anifeiliaid anwes.
Dywedodd Freshfields wrth Sam eu bod yn annog unrhyw un sy'n cael trafferth gofalu am eu hanifail anwes i gysylltu i weld a oes posibilrwydd o gadw’r anifail anwes a'r perchennog gyda'i gilydd. Hefyd, maen nhw'n annog unrhyw un sy'n chwilio am anifail anwes newydd i feddwl am fabwysiadu'n gyntaf, gan fod digonedd o anifeiliaid sydd angen cartref cariadus bob amser.