Sam Rowlands, MS for North Wales, is backing an initiative to support children and young people in North Wales.
‘Summer of Fun’ is being run by local authorities until 30th September and will provide a range of free leisure, recreational, sporting and cultural activities for children and young people aged 0-25 to help support their social, emotional, physical and mental wellbeing.
Mr Rowlands MS said:
I think it is a great idea to provide young people with something to do during the long Summer break.
Many local councils already provide organised activities and I welcome any extra funding to help increase what they offer.
All councils in North Wales have really stepped up to the mark and there is a wide range of activities for all ages which is great to see. Whether it be balloon modelling to free sports camps there is literally something for everyone.
The three main objectives of the ‘Summer of Fun’ are to support fun and the opportunity for children and young people to express themselves through play; community based interactive, creative and play-based initiatives for all ages and; provide opportunities to play with friends and peers.
Activities provided through the ‘Summer of Fun’ will be free, in both English and Welsh and in addition to any regulated childcare provision.
The Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Sally Holland recently launched an information hub to advertise the free activities available as part of the ‘Summer of Fun’.
Sam Rowlands AS yn cefnogi cynllun i helpu plant a phobl ifanc i adfer ar ôl y pandemig
Mae Sam Rowlands, AS ar gyfer Gogledd Cymru, yn cefnogi menter i helpu plant a phobl ifanc yng Ngogledd Cymru.
Mae menter 'Haf o Hwyl' yn cael ei chynnal gan awdurdodau lleol tan 30 Medi a bydd yn darparu amrywiaeth o weithgareddau hamdden, chwaraeon a diwylliannol di-dâl i blant a phobl ifanc 0-25 oed i helpu i gefnogi eu lles cymdeithasol, emosiynol, corfforol a meddyliol.
Meddai Mr Rowlands AS:
Mae darparu gweithgareddau ar gyfer pobl ifanc yn ystod gwyliau hir yr haf yn syniad gwych yn fy marn i.
Mae llawer o gynghorau lleol eisoes yn darparu gweithgareddau wedi'u trefnu ac rwy'n croesawu unrhyw arian ychwanegol i helpu i gynyddu'r hyn y maen nhw’n ei gynnig.
Mae pob cyngor yn y Gogledd wedi camu i'r adwy ac mae'n dda gweld bod ystod eang o weithgareddau ar gael i bobl ifanc o bob oed. O sesiynau gwneud modelau â balwnau i wersylloedd chwaraeon di-dâl, mae yna rywbeth at ddant pawb yn llythrennol.
Tri phrif amcan 'Haf o Hwyl' yw hwyluso gweithgareddau llawn hwyl a rhoi cyfle i blant a phobl ifanc fynegi eu hunain drwy chwarae; darparu mentrau rhyngweithiol, creadigol a chwarae cymunedol ar gyfer pobl ifanc o bob oed; darparu cyfleoedd i chwarae gyda ffrindiau a chyfoedion.
Bydd gweithgareddau sy'n cael eu darparu trwy'r 'Haf o Hwyl' ar gael yn ddi-dâl yn y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg gan ategu unrhyw ddarpariaeth gofal plant a reoleiddir.
Yn ddiweddar, mae Comisiynydd Plant Cymru, Sally Holland wedi lansio canolfan wybodaeth i hysbysebu'r gweithgareddau di-dâl sydd ar gael fel rhan o'r 'Haf o Hwyl’.