One of the things I have focused on in the Senedd is the issue of community ownership – local people being more involved in owning and running assets which are hugely important in their local communities.
For example, this could be a pub or a village hall which is falling into a state of disrepair, or any other community asset you can think of throughout Wrexham, Flintshire and the rest of North Wales.
To this end, last month I took part in an event looking at this issue. It was hosted by the Building Communities Trust, with Senedd Members from different parties joining in the discussion which is aimed at empowering our communities and giving them real influence.
It’s widely acknowledged that Wales lags behind England and Scotland on community ownership, but there is space for the Welsh Government in Cardiff Bay to step up.
In the meantime, UK Government is taking action on a UK-wide level. They have provided £150 million over 4 years to support community groups across the UK so they can take ownership assets which are at serious risk of being lost. This is fantastic for local communities up and down the land as community and volunteer groups are able to bid for funding to take control of these assets and run them for the benefit of local people.
There is a particular focus on assets which can be run on a long-term basis, so this isn’t just a short-term fix. Sustaining and developing these assets is at the heart of these projects.
I am pleased that there is recognition in the Senedd that more action is needed, but it’s clear more urgent progress is needed.
As ever, if you have any queries or issues, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can contact me by emailing [email protected] or calling on 0300 200 7267.
Fy marn i - The Leader
Un o’r pethau dwi wedi canolbwyntio arnyn nhw yn y Senedd yw perchnogaeth gymunedol - pobl leol yn perchnogi ac yn rheoli asedau sy’n bwysig iawn yn eu cymunedau lleol.
Er enghraifft, gallai fod yn dafarn neu’n neuadd bentref sy’n dirywio, neu’n unrhyw ased cymunedol arall y gallwch chi feddwl amdano yn Wrecsam, Sir y Fflint a gweddill y Gogledd.
I’r diben hwn, fe gymerais ran mewn digwyddiad yn edrych ar y mater hwn fis diwethaf. Ymddiriedolaeth Adeiladu Cymunedau oedd wrth y llyw, gydag Aelodau o’r Senedd o wahanol bleidiau yn ymuno yn y drafodaeth, gyda’r nod o rymuso ein cymunedau a rhoi dylanwad gwirioneddol iddyn nhw.
Ceir cydnabyddiaeth eang bod Cymru ar ei hôl hi o gymharu â Lloegr a’r Alban o ran perchnogaeth gymunedol, ond mae yna le i Lywodraeth Cymru ym Mae Caerdydd wella’r sefyllfa.
Yn y cyfamser, mae Llywodraeth y DU yn cymryd camau ar lefel y DU. Mae wedi darparu £150 miliwn dros 4 blynedd i gefnogi grwpiau cymunedol ledled y DU fel y gallan nhw gymryd perchnogaeth ar asedau sydd yn y fantol. Mae hyn yn wych i gymunedau lleol ym mhob cwr o’r wlad, gyda grwpiau cymunedol a gwirfoddol yn gallu gwneud cais am gyllid i gymryd rheolaeth o’r asedau hyn a’u rhedeg er budd pobl leol.
Mae yna ffocws arbennig ar asedau y gellir eu rhedeg yn hirdymor, felly nid ateb tymor byr yw hwn yn unig. Mae cynnal a datblygu’r asedau hyn yn ganolog i’r prosiectau hyn.
Rwy’n falch bod yna gydnabyddiaeth yn y Senedd i’r angen am gamau gweithredu, ond mae’n amlwg bod angen gwneud mwy o gynnydd ar frys.
Fel arfer, os oes gennych chi unrhyw gwestiynau neu broblemau, cofiwch gysylltu. Gallwch gysylltu â mi drwy e-bostio [email protected] neu ffonio ar 0300 200 7267.