Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales has welcomed news that booster jabs for Covid are now being given in his region.
He said:
I was delighted to hear that vaccinators in North Wales were among the first in the UK to start delivering the vaccine booster.
It really is good news that this injection is now available as it is vital that we protect people who are at risk. As winter approaches we must reduce Covid cases and help those who are most vulnerable to serious infection by offering them a third jab.
I am also pleased to see that the Welsh Government has confirmed that young people aged 12-15 will be offered one dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine from October 4.
As cases continue to rise in schools we need to reduce transmission and by vaccinating this age group it will hopefully help to lessen the disruption to education and help to keep them well.
People eligible for the booster jab will be contacted direct when it is their turn and parents or guardians of 12-15 year olds will be receiving a letter inviting them for an appointment.
Sam Rowlands AS yn croesawu brechiadau atgyfnerthu ar gyfer Covid
Mae Sam Rowlands AS y Gogledd yn croesawu’r newyddion bod pigiadau atgyfnerthu ar gyfer Covid bellach yn cael eu rhoi yn ei ranbarth.
Roeddwn i’n eithriadol o falch o glywed bod brechwyr yn y Gogledd ymysg y cyntaf yn y DU i gychwyn rhoi’r pigiadau atgyfnerthu.
Mae’r ffaith bod y pigiad hwn bellach ar gael yn newyddion arbennig o dda oherwydd mae’n hanfodol ein bod yn diogelu pobl sydd mewn risg. Wrth i’r gaeaf agosáu, mae’n rhaid i ni leihau achosion o Covid a helpu’r rhai sydd mwyaf agored i gael haint difrifol drwy gynnig trydydd pigiad iddyn nhw.
Rwy’n falch iawn hefyd o weld bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cadarnhau bod pobl ifanc rhwng 12-15 oed yn cael cynnig un dos o frechlyn Pfizer COVID-19 o 4 Hydref.
Wrth i achosion barhau i gynyddu mewn ysgolion, rydyn ni angen lleihau lefel trosglwyddo a thrwy frechu’r grŵp oedran hwn, y gobaith yw y bydd yn helpu i leihau’r tarfu ar addysg a’u helpu i gadw’n iach.
Cysylltir yn uniongyrchol â phobl sy’n gymwys i gael y pigiad atgyfnerthu pan ddaw eu tro nhw a bydd rhieni neu warcheidwaid pobl ifanc 12-15 oed yn cael llythyr yn eu gwahodd am apwyntiad.