News that some teachers in Anglesey haven’t received their pension contributions over a period of seven years has been described as “very concerning” by the Welsh Conservatives.
At least 14 teachers have been affected by Anglesey Council’s failure, and it has been warned the financial loss could be hundreds of thousands of pounds.
Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Local Government, Sam Rowlands MS, said:
This revelation is very concerning and points to what could be gaps in oversight by the Plaid Cymru-led council.
Councils are central to supporting teachers, they need to have the confidence that their hard work is appreciated, and their financial contributions are being managed properly.
An independent investigation should be launched into this, as there are important questions that need answering:
- When and how did this issue first come to the council’s attention?
- When did the council contact other teachers to tell them of the problem?
- When were all elected members made aware of the problem?
- How are the council planning to fill the shortfall gap in affected pensions? Do they have a detailed plan as how this is to be fulfilled?
Without swift and clear answers to these questions, hardworking teachers won’t get the peace of mind they deserve.
Rhaid lansio ymchwiliad i gamgymeriad pensiynau athrawon Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn sy’n achosi pryder mawr
Mae’r newyddion nad yw rhai athrawon ar Ynys Môn wedi derbyn eu cyfraniadau pensiwn dros gyfnod o saith blynedd wedi achosi pryder mawr ymysg y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig.
Mae o leiaf 14 o athrawon wedi’u heffeithio gan fethiant y Cyngor, a rhybuddiwyd y gallai'r golled ariannol fod yn gannoedd ar filoedd o bunnoedd.
Meddai Sam Rowlands AS, Gweinidog Llywodraeth Leol yr Wrthblaid y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig:
Mae’r datganiad hwn yn peri pryder mawr ac yn amlygu’r hyn a allai fod yn fylchau yng ngoruchwyliaeth y cyngor sy’n cael ei arwain gan Blaid Cymru.
Mae Cynghorau yn ganolog i gefnogi athrawon, mae angen iddynt gael yr hyder bod eu gwaith caled yn cael ei werthfawrogi, a bod eu cyfraniadau ariannol yn cael eu rheoli’r drylwyr.
Dylid lansio ymchwiliad annibynnol i hyn, gam fod angen ateb cwestiynau pwysig:
- Pryd a sut y daeth y mater hwn i sylw’r cyngor gyntaf?
- Pryd wnaeth y cyngor gysylltu ag athrawon eraill i ddweud wrthynt am y broblem?
- Pryd ddaeth yr holl aelodau etholedig yn ymwybodol o’r broblem?
- Sut mae’r cyngor yn bwriadu llenwi’r diffyg yn y pensiynau sydd wedi’u heffeithio? Oes ganddynt gynllun manwl i wneud hyn?
Heb atebion cyflym a chlir i’r cwestiynau hyn, ni fydd athrawon sy’n gweithio’n galed yn cael y tawelwch meddwl maen nhw’n ei haeddu.