North Wales' Best Kebab House | Tŷ Cebábs Gorau Gogledd Cymru

Voting is open for the 10th Annual British Kebab Awards, and I'm wanting to see a Kebab House in North Wales win the Best Kebab House in Wales Award.

Every day over 20,000 kebab houses throughout the UK sell more than 1.5 million kebabs.  And their trade is worth over £2.8 billion to the British economy.  The Annual British Kebab Awards champions kebab houses throughout our great country, with over eighteen prestigious awards on offer.  

I want to back North Wales' best Kebab House to take home the Best Kebab House in Wales Award.  Which Kebab House do you think should win this award?  Let me know by completing the form below by 19th January 2022.

You can also submit your own entries, and nominate a kebab house for any of the other awards on offer here.


Mae'r pleidleisio ar agor ar gyfer 10fed Gwobrau Blynyddol Cebábs Prydain, a hoffwn weld Tŷ Cebábs yng Ngogledd Cymru yn ennill Gwobr Tŷ Cebábs Gorau Cymru.

Bob dydd mae dros 20,000 o dai cebábs ledled y DU yn gwerthu dros 1.5 miliwn o gebábs. Ac mae eu busnes werth dros £2.8 biliwn i economi Prydain. Mae Gwobrau Blynyddol Cebábs Prydain yn hyrwyddo tai cebábs ledled ein gwlad wych, gyda dros 18 o wobrau pwysig ar gael.

Rwyf am gefnogi Tŷ Cebábs gorau Gogledd Cymru i gipio Gwobr Tŷ Cebábs Gorau Chymru. Pa Dŷ Cebábs, yn eich barn chi, ddylai ennill y wobr hon? Rowch wybod trwy lenwi'r ffurflen isod erbyn 19 Ionawr 2022.

Gallwch hefyd gyflwyno'ch cynigion eich hun, ac enwebu tŷ cebábs ar gyfer unrhyw un o'r gwobrau eraill a gynigir yma.


Sam Rowlands - Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales | Aelod o’r Senedd dros Ogledd Cymru

North Wales' Best Kebab House | Tŷ Cebábs Gorau Gogledd Cymru