Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales is calling for Welsh Government to back the role of parents.
Mr Rowlands, Shadow Minister for Local Government, was responding to a statement by the Deputy Minister for Social Services, Julie Morgan, on The Children and Young People’s Plan.
He told members he had a keen interest in the plan as he was the father of three of the best children in Wales.
He said:
We all want what is best for the children of Wales. However, I am concerned that we are moving away from a premise that it is parents who know what's best for their children, and parents who are ultimately responsible for them, and the best role models for their children as well.
It is the role of Government to be there to support parents in undertaking this great responsibility in bringing their children up. In light of this, I was concerned to note in the statement that the words 'parent', 'parents', 'mother' or 'father' were not mentioned at all.
It is crucial that proper support is given to parents and their role is championed by Government.
Mr Rowlands asked the minister how the role of parents would not be disregarded in the plan and what action she would take to ensure their voices would be heard.
The Minister said the Government wanted to move to a system where they gave as much support as possible to parents but not taking away their role in bringing up their children.
Mr Rowlands added:
The role and voice of the parents should be at the forefront of any plan. It is absolutely vital Welsh Government appreciates bringing up children is the responsibility of parents but help and support is available.
Sam Rowlands AS yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i hyrwyddo cyfrifoldeb rhieni
Mae Sam Rowlands AS dros Ogledd Cymru yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi rôl rhieni.
Roedd Mr Rowlands, Gweinidog Llywodraeth Leol yr Wrthblaid, yn ymateb i ddatganiad gan y Dirprwy Weinidog Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, Julie Morgan, ar y Cynllun Plant a Phobl Ifanc.
Dywedodd wrth aelodau fod ganddo ddiddordeb brwd yn y cynllun gan ei fod yn dad i dri o’r plant gorau yng Nghymru.
Mae pawb eisiau'r gorau i blant Cymru. Fodd bynnag, rwy’n bryderus ein bod yn symud i ffwrdd o’r cynsail mai rhieni sy’n gwybod beth sydd orau i’w plant, ac mae eu rhieni sy’n gyfrifol amdanynt yn y pen draw, ac sy’n gosod yr esiamplau gorau ar gyfer eu plant hefyd.
Rôl Llywodraeth yw bod yno i gefnogi rhieni i gyflawni’r cyfrifoldeb enfawr hwnnw o fagu eu plant. O ystyried hyn, roeddwn i’n bryderus nodi yn y datganiad nad oedd y geiriau ‘rhiant’, ‘rhieni’, ‘mam’ neu ‘dad’ wedi’u crybwyll o gwbl.
Mae’n hanfodol bod cefnogaeth go iawn yn cael ei rhoi i rieni a bod Llywodraeth yn hyrwyddo eu rôl.
Gofynnodd Mr Rowlands i’r Gweinidog sut na fyddai rôl rhieni yn cael ei diystyru yn y cynllun a pha gamau y byddai’n eu cymryd i sicrhau bod eu lleisiau yn cael eu clywed.
Dywedodd y Gweinidog fod y Llywodraeth am symud i system lle’r oedden nhw’n rhoi cymaint o gefnogaeth â phosibl i rieni heb ddwyn ymaith eu rôl o fagu eu plant.
Ychwanegodd Mr Rowlands:
Dylai rôl a llais rhieni fod yn flaenllaw mewn unrhyw gynllun. Mae’n gwbl hanfodol fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwerthfawrogi mai cyfrifoldeb rhieni yw magu eu plant ond bod cymorth a chefnogaeth ar gael.