Sam Rowlands, Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales, praises charity for continuing to support more people with neurological conditions.
Mr Rowlands, Shadow Health Minister, was commenting after he visited the Neuro Therapy Centre in Saltney, to celebrate the official opening of a new building housing a new gym and physiotherapy suite.
He said:
I was absolutely delighted to have the opportunity to once again visit the units in Saltney and meet with staff there.
It is fantastic to see the work which has been carried out at the centre and see for myself how the expansion plans are developing. It was particularly interesting to speak with therapists about how the new building will make a difference.
I really must congratulate everyone involved as the new gym and physiotherapy suite are a great addition and I was pleased to hear that the investment will lead to even more support for the people of North Wales who suffer from neurological conditions.
The new building, which houses the new gym and physiotherapy suite, marks the completion of the first phase in the charity’s expansion plans.
This will enable the centre to support more people with a neurological condition, and assist them in maximising their potential to live their best neuro life.
The Neuro Therapy Centre is a charity which supports people across North Wales, Cheshire and the Wirral who have long-term neurological conditions through individual and group physical therapies, counselling and social activities.
They support people with a wide range of conditions including MS, Parkinsons, MND, Ataxia, FND and others, as well as their Carers and wider family.
The Neuro Therapy Centre is a charity which provides support to people with long-term neurological conditions and their carers.
Sam Rowlands yn ymweld ag adeilad newydd mewn canolfan therapi yn y Gogledd
Mae Sam Rowlands, Aelod o’r Senedd dros Ogledd Cymru, wedi canmol elusen am barhau i gefnogi mwy o bobl â chyflyrau niwrolegol.
Daw hyn ar ôl i Mr Rowlands, Gweinidog Iechyd yr Wrthblaid, ymweld â'r Neuro Therapy Centre yn Saltney, i ddathlu agoriad swyddogol adeilad newydd sy'n gartref i gampfa ac ystafell ffisiotherapi newydd.
Roeddwn i wrth fy modd yn cael cyfle i ymweld â'r unedau yn Saltney unwaith eto a chwrdd â staff yno.
Mae'n wych gweld y gwaith sydd wedi'i wneud yn y ganolfan a gweld drosof fi fy hun sut mae'r cynlluniau ehangu yn dod yn eu blaenau. Roedd yn arbennig o ddiddorol siarad â therapyddion am sut bydd yr adeilad newydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth.
Mae'n rhaid i mi longyfarch pawb ynghlwm â’r prosiect gan fod y gampfa a’r ystafell ffisiotherapi newydd yn ychwanegiad gwych ac roeddwn i’n falch o glywed y bydd y buddsoddiad yn arwain at hyd yn oed mwy o gefnogaeth i bobl y Gogledd sy'n dioddef o gyflyrau niwrolegol.
Mae'r adeilad newydd, sy'n gartref i'r gampfa a'r ystafell ffisiotherapi newydd, yn nodi cwblhau'r cam cyntaf yng nghynlluniau ehangu'r elusen.
Bydd hyn yn galluogi'r ganolfan i gefnogi mwy o bobl â chyflwr niwrolegol, a'u cynorthwyo i wneud y mwyaf o'u potensial i fyw eu bywyd niwro gorau.
Mae'r Neuro Therapy Centre yn elusen sy'n cefnogi pobl ledled y Gogledd, Swydd Gaer a Chilgwri sydd â chyflyrau niwrolegol hirdymor trwy therapïau corfforol unigol a grŵp, cwnsela a gweithgareddau cymdeithasol.
Maen nhw’n cefnogi pobl ag ystod eang o gyflyrau gan gynnwys MS, clefyd Parkinson, MND, Ataxia, FND ac eraill, yn ogystal â'u gofalwyr a'u teulu ehangach.
Mae'r ganolfan yn elusen sy'n darparu cefnogaeth i bobl â chyflyrau niwrolegol hirdymor a'u gofalwyr.