Sam closed the Welsh Conservative's contribution to a debate on Wednesday, 26th January, on the impact of COVID-19 on education. Sam commented on the cross-party support for recognising the impacts of COVID-19 on education. Children in Wales have lost more days of learning than in any other part of the UK, and this has exacerbated some of the failings in Wales' education system.
Effaith COVID-19 ar addysg
Fe wnaeth Sam gloi cyfraniad y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig at y ddadl ar effaith COVID-19 ar addysg, a gynhaliwyd ddydd Mercher 26 Ionawr. Cyfeiriodd Sam at y gefnogaeth drawsbleidiol i gydnabod effeithiau COVID-19 ar addysg. Mae plant yng Nghymru wedi colli mwy o ddiwrnodau dysgu na phlant mewn ardaloedd eraill o’r DU, sydd wedi gwaethygu rhai o fethiannau system addysg Cymru.