Sam Rowlands, Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales, has called on the Welsh Government to address the concerns that North Wales residents face in accessing an NHS dentist.
Responding to the Welsh Government’s Statement on Dental Reform, Sam Rowlands MS said:
Minister, I recently contacted 69 NHS dentists in north Wales. I spoke to 57 of those practices last week, and it was just four who were taking on, but those four had huge waiting lists. What that highlighted to me is the significant challenge that my residents face in accessing an NHS dentist in north Wales.
What my residents would prefer is to be able to access NHS dentists, because they pay their national insurance, they pay their income tax, they pay their taxes, and they expect to get healthcare free at the point of service as a result of that.
Mr Rowlands added:
The Labour Government’s Dental Reform must fix the inaccessibility of NHS Dental Services across Wales, if not, they will face a complete collapse with people’s dental health in Wales suffering as a result.
Sam Rowlands AS yn galw am weithredu ar frys i wella gwasanaeth Deintyddol y GIG
Mae Sam Rowlands, yr Aelod o’r Senedd dros Ogledd Cymru, wedi galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i ddatrys y drafferth mae trigolion y gogledd yn ei hwynebu wrth geisio cael gwasanaeth deintyddol drwy’r GIG.
Meddai Sam Rowlands AS, wrth ymateb i ddatganiad Llywodraeth Cymru ar Ddiwygio Deintyddol,
Weinidog, yn ddiweddar fe gysylltais â 69 o ddeintyddion y GIG yn y gogledd. Siaradais â 57 ohonyn nhw yr wythnos ddiwethaf, dim ond pedwar oedd yn cymryd cleifion newydd, ond roedd gan y pedwar practis restrau aros hir. Felly mae’n amlwg bod cael mynediad at ddeintydd y GIG yn y gogledd yn her fawr.
Byddai'n well gan fy nhrigolion allu cael mynediad at ddeintyddion y GIG, gan eu bod yn talu eu hyswiriant gwladol, eu treth incwm ac yn talu eu trethi, felly maen nhw'n disgwyl cael gofal iechyd yn rhad ac am ddim yn y man darparu.
Ychwanegodd Mr Rowlands:
Rhaid i Raglen Diwygio Deintyddol y Llywodraeth Lafur ddatrys hygyrchedd Gwasanaethau Deintyddol y GIG ledled Cymru. Os na wneir hynny, bydd y system yn dadfeilio’n llwyr a bydd iechyd deintyddol pobl yng Nghymru yn dioddef o ganlyniad.